Carl Petersen - Selected Publications#
Pala A, Petersen CCH (2015) In vivo measurement of cell-type-specific synaptic connectivity and synaptic transmission in layer 2/3 mouse barrel cortex. Neuron 85: 68–75.
Yamashita T, Pala A, Pedrido L, Kremer Y, Welker E, Petersen CCH (2013) Membrane potential dynamics of neocortical projection neurons driving target-specific signals. Neuron 80: 1477-1490.
Sachidhanandam S, Sreenivasan V, Kyriakatos A, Kremer Y, Petersen CCH (2013) Membrane potential correlates of sensory perception in mouse barrel cortex. Nat Neurosci 16: 1671-1677.
Gentet LJ, Kremer Y, Taniguchi H, Huang ZJ, Staiger JF, Petersen CCH (2012) Unique functional properties of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons in mouse barrel cortex. Nat Neurosci 15: 607-612.
Crochet S, Poulet JFA, Kremer Y, Petersen CCH (2011) Synaptic mechanisms underlying sparse coding of active touch. Neuron 69: 1160-1175.
Matyas F, Sreenivasan V, Marbach F, Wacongne C, Barsy B, Mateo C, Aronoff R, Petersen CCH (2010) Motor control by sensory cortex. Science 330: 1240-1243.
Gentet LJ, Avermann M, Matyas F, Staiger JF, Petersen CCH (2010) Membrane potential dynamics of GABAergic neurons in the barrel cortex of behaving mice. Neuron 65: 422-435.
Lefort S, Tomm C, Sarria JCF, Petersen CCH (2009) The excitatory neuronal network of the C2 barrel column in mouse primary somatosensory cortex. Neuron 61: 301-316.
Poulet JFA, Petersen CCH (2008) Internal brain state regulates membrane potential synchrony in barrel cortex of behaving mice. Nature 454: 881-885.
Ferezou I, Haiss F, Gentet LJ, Aronoff R, Weber B, Petersen CCH (2007) Spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical sensorimotor integration in behaving mice. Neuron 56: 907-923.
Metrics according to ISI "Web of Science" for author search Petersen CCH (unique author) as of 6th March 2015:
H-index: 34
Citations 2014: 609
Citations 2013: 579
Citations 2012: 536
Total citations (without self-citations): 4572