
Amélia Polónia - Publications#

Editor and co-editor:
  • Beyond Empires: Self-Organizing Cross-Imperial Economic Networks vs Institutional Empires 1500-1800. (Leiden: Brill, 2016)
  • La gobernanza de los puertos atlanticos, siglos XIV-XXI. Politicas y estructuras portuárias (Madrid, Casa de Velasquez, 2015).
  • Maritime History as Global History (St. Johns, Newfoundland: IMEHA, 2011)

  • A Expansão Ultramarina numa perspectiva local. O porto de Vila do Conde no século XVI (Lisboa: IN-CM, 2007), 2 vols.
  • D. Henrique (Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 2006) [Biographies of the kings of Portugal]

Book chapters:
  • “Portuguese Seafarers: Informal Agents of Empire Building” in Law, Labour, and Empire: Comparative Perspectives on Seafarers, c. 1500-1800, ed. Maria Fusaro et al. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)
  • “Trade networks in the First Global Age. visualization methods and spatial projections” in Spatio-Temporal Narratives: historical GIS and the study of global trading networks (1500-1800), ed. A.C. Solano (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014) Co-author
  • "The environmental impacts of the historical uses of the seas in the First Global Age". in EOLSS.(Oxford, UK: Eolss Publishers, 2014) http://www.eolss.net
  • “Jumping frontiers, crossing barriers. Transfers between oceans. The Portuguese overseas expansion case study" in Oceans Connect, ed. R. Mukherjee (Delhi: Primus Books, 2012)
  • "Seaports as Centres of Economic Growth: the Portuguese Case, 1500-1800" in Shipping and Economic Growth. 1350-1800, ed. Richard Unger (Leiden: Brill, 2011)
  • "Now and Then, Here and There… on business”: in Mapping Different Geographies. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2010, 105-128 (with Miguel Nogueira and Amândio Barros).
  • "Global interactions: Representations of the East and the Far East in Portugal (Sixteenth Century)" in Networks in the First Global Age: 1400-1800, ed. Rila Mukherjee, Delhi, Primus Books, 2011, pp. 263-301.
  • 2009 - Implications of terrestrial and naval war in maritime communities (Portugal. Early Modern Age) in “Proceedings of the XXXIV Congress on Military History “, Trieste, Commisione Italiana di Storia MIlitare, 2009, Vol. I, pp. 178-188.
  • 2009 – Women’s participation in labour and business in the European Maritime Societies in the Early Modern Period in “La famiglia nell'Economia Europea Secc. XIII-XVIII; The Economic Role of the Family in the European Economy from the 13th. to the 18th. centuries” , Prato, Firenze University Press, 2009, pp. 705-720.
  • 2008 - The Northwestern Portuguese Seaport System in the Early Modern Period in “Making Global and Local Connections: Historical Perspectives on Ports”, coord. Tapio Bergholm, Lewis R. Fischer and Elisabetta Tonizzi, [Research in Maritime History series (No. 35)], Newfoundland, Newfoundland, International Maritime Economic History Association, 2008, pp.113-136

Papers in Journals
  • “Think globally, act locally: Environmental History as Global History in the First Global Age”. Asian Review of World Histories. Special issue, ed. Rila Mukherjee, 3-1 (Jan. 2015): 43-66
  • “Understanding the role of foreigners in the portuguese overseas expansion through the lenses of the theories of cooperation and self-organisation”. Storia Economica [Forthcoming]
  • “Informal self-organised networks in the First Global Age. The Jesuits in Japan”. The Bulletin of the Institute for World Affairs Kyoto Sangyo University, No. 28 (Feb, 2013): 133-158.
  • “Informal self-organised networks in the First Global Age. The Jesuits in Japan”. The Bulletin of the Institute for World Affairs Kyoto Sangyo University, No. 28 (Feb, 2013), pp. 133-158.
  • Commercial flows and transference patterns between Iberian empires (16th-17th. centuries) in “Self-Organising Networks and GIS tools. Cases of uses for the study of trading cooperation (1400-1800)”, coord. David Alonso Garcia and Ana Crespo Solana . Journal of Knowledge, Mangement, Economics and Technology, Special Issue, June 2012, pp. 111-144. (with Amândio Barros)
  • European Seaports in the Early Modern Age: concepts, methodology and models of analysis. “Cahiers de la Méditerranée” 80, Juin 2010, pp. 17-39.
  • Les gens de mer et les communautés littorales : approches pour une synthèse de l’historiographie portugaise in “Revue d’Histoire Maritime: La Recherche Internationale en Histoire Maritime – essai d’évaluation”, 11-12, 2010, pp. 175-194.
  • “Nói szerepek a portugál tengeri expanzió folyamatában” (Desempenhos femininos na Expansão Ultramarina Portuguesa) in Mediterrán Világ. Kulturális folyóirat (6), 2008, 181-214.
  • The sea and its impact on a maritime Community: Vila do Conde, Portugal, 1500-1640 . “International Journal of Maritime History”, XVIII, nº 1 (June 2006), pp. 199-222.
  • Women’s contribution to family, economy and social range in maritime societies. Portugal. 16th. Century. *“Portuguese Studies Review”, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2005, "Women in the Lusophone World in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period", Editors: Darlene Abreu-Ferreira (Guest Editor)(University of Winnipeg) and Ivana Elbl (Trent University), pp. 269-285.
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