
Zoran T. Popovski - Publications#


1. Popovski Z., Karadelev M.: Tericole macromycetes as a producer of cytostatics and antibiotics, Fungi macedonici II, 1-12, 1995

2. Efremov G.D., Dimovski A.J., Popovski Z.T., Janeva S., Plaseska D., Simjanovska L., Sukarova E., Momirovska A., Lazarevski M., Kuljan R.: The gamma-globin gene rearrangements in newborns from the Republic of Macedonia. Hemoglobin, 20(4), 401-414 (1996)

3. Popovski Z.T., Dimovski A.J., Simjanovska L., Calovska V., Trajanovski D., Grunevska V., Stefanovska V., Sikole A., Polenakovic M., Zisovski N., Efremov G.D.: Molecular detection and characterization of Hepatitis C virus in the Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian Medical Review, 50; 3-4, 1996, 85-90.

4. C.Pendarovski, G. Tintoski, D. Kostadinova, M. Karadelev, Z. T. Popovski: Species distribution of the eatable flora, fauna and fungia at the north- east exposition on the Kozhuf mountain,Scientia Iuvenis, I-1, 11-17, 1998

5. V.Srbinoska, A.Stojanova, G.Miceva, M.Boshevski, L. Pendovski,S. Trojachanec, Z.T.Popovski: Influence of the feeding in the nature at some physiological and biochemical parameters among the participants in the project "survival - Kozhuf 96/97" Scientia Iuvenis, I-1, 18-23, 1998

6. Popovski Z.T., M. Petrovska, M. Pop-Aceva, G.D. Efremov: Plasmid profile in multiresistent urine isolat of Citrobacter freundii, Contributions, Biomedical unit, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, XIX 1-2, 59-70, 1998

7. Popovski Z.T., Dzabirski V., Andonov S., Trojacanec S. Polymorphisms of some plasma proteins and hemoglobin in conserved nucleus of Karakachan sheep in Macedonia,Simposia for Livestock production, Year Book, p.87 – 91, 2001

8. Palashevski B., Popovski Z.T., Dubrova-Mateva N., Andonovska V., Naletovski Z. Polymorphisms of k-casein and β-lactoglobulin in cow milk Symposia for Livestock production, Year Book, p.45 – 50, 2001

9. Popovski Z., Tanaskovska B., Porchu K., Vukovic V., Andonov S., Palasevski B.: New Approach in Detection of Porcine Stress Syndrome. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 18 (5-6), p. 73-80, 2002. 0

10. Popovski Z., Porchu K., Tanaskovska B., Palasevski B.: Application of Genetic Engineering in the Livestock Production. XXVII meeting Faculty with Farmers, Skopje, Proceeding of papers p.91 – 102, 2002.

11. Tanaskovska, B., Porcu, K., Trifunovic, S., Cinkulov, M., Antov, A., Antov, G., Popovski, T. Z. Determination of Polymorphisms of k-casein in Red-white Friesian Cattle Using RFLP on DNA from Different Sources. Contemporary Agriculture, p.: 307-310, Vol. 3-4, 2003, Novi Sad.

12. Popovski, Z.T., Tanaskovska, B., Porcu, K., Vukovic, V., Palashevski, B.: Porcine Stress Syndrome in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceeding of papers ”Faculty economy”, p.: 33-46, 2003, Skopje.

13. Popovski, Z., Porcu, K., Dzabirski, V., Tanaskovska, B. (Dimitrievska), Andonov, S., Kocevski, D., Vukovic, V.: Application of DNA Microsatellites in Characterisation of Animal Biodiversity.II Congress of ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with international participation. Proceeding of papers 25-29.10.2003. p.: 398-403, 2003, Ohrid, Macedonia.

14. Simjanovska L., Momirovska A., Popovski Z.T. and Efremov G.D.: Biologicaly active components of the protein free calf and lamb blood extracts. Macedonian Pharmaceutical bulletin 49 (1,2) p.116-117, 2003

15. Tanaskovska, B. (Dimitrievska), Porcu, K.,Popovski, Z.T.:Frequency of k-casein Genotypes in Holstein-Frisian Cattle in Republic of Macedonia, Biotechnology 2006, Scientific Pedagogical Publishing, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, ISBN 8085645-53-X p 415-417.

16. Popovski Z.T., Efremov G.D. Isolation of termostabile DNA polymerase from Bacillus caldolyticus. Biotechnology 2006, Scientific Pedagogical Publishing, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, ISBN 8085645-53-X p. 1065-1067

17. Tanaskovska, B. (Dimitrievska), Porcu, K.,Popovski, Z.T.:Development of a System for GMO Testing of Food, Seed and Feed Samples in the Republic of Macedonia, XI Savetovanje o Biotehnologiji, Vol. 11, knjiga II, p. 665-669, 2006.ISBN 86-82107-79-1.2006

18. Miskoska-Milevska E., Popovski, Z.T, Tanaskovska, B. (Dimitrievska), Porcu, K.: The Use of SDS-PAGE Protein Spectra for Identification of F1 Reciprocal Hybrids of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.), XI Savetovanje o Biotehnologiji, Vol. 11, knjiga I, p. 211-219, 2006.ISBN 86-82107-79-1. 2006

19. Dzabirski V., Porcu K., Popovski Z.T. Andonov S, Dimitrievska B.: Preliminary Results of Polymorphism of DNA Micro satellites Markers from Different Origin in the Genome of Autochthones Sheep Strains from Pramenka Breed in the Republic of Macedonia. XIX Scientific Symposia for Agriculture and Food Processing. p. 125 – 133. 2006

20. Ćinkulov, M., Popovski, Z., Porcu, K., Tanaskovska, B., Hodžić, A., Bytyqi, H., Mehmeti, H., Margeta, V., Djedović, R., Hoda, A., Trailović, R., Brka, M., Marković, B., Važić, B., Vegara, M.,Olsaker, I., Kantanen, J. Genetic diversity of the West Balkan Pramenka sheep. Conference on Native Breeds and Varietiesas part of Natural and Cultural Heritage Šibenik, Croatia 2007, Proceedings. p.65 – 66

21. E. Miskoska-Milevska, Z.T. Popovski, B. Dimitrievska, K. Porcu: Differences in Tomato Seed Protein Profiles Obtained by SDS PAGE Analysis. Journal of Agricultural Sciences.53 (2008) 13 – 23

22. M. Cinkulov, Z. Popovski, K. Porcu, B. Tanaskovska, A. Hodzic, H. Bytyqi, H. Mehmeti, V. Margeta,R. Djedovic, A. Hoda, R. Trailovic, M. Brka, B. Markovic, B. Vazic, M. Vegara, I. Olsaker, J. Kantanen: Genetic diversity and structure of the West Balkan Pramenka sheep types as revealed by microsatellite and mitochondrialDNA analysis. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 125 (2008) 417–426

23. Z. T. Popovski, B. Dimitrievska, K. Porchu, A. Tufekcievski, G. Boglev: Review on the Influence of the Genetic Factors to the Sport Performances. 2nd Scientific meeting of the School Sport Federation in Macedonia. 2008. Book of papers. p.402-405, 2008

24. B. Dimitrievska, Z.T. Popovski, K. Porcu: Merging procedures for detection of soy DNA and presence of GM soy in food samples. Foodinova 2010, Valencia, Spain(2010), p 1-4

25. E. Miskoska-MIlevska, Z.T. Popovski, B. Dimitrievska, K.D. Porcu: Isolation of DNA for fragment analyses from tomato leaves and seeds. XVI Savetovanje o biotehnologiji. Zbornik radova Vol.16(18) 2011, p. 59 – 64

26. Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska, Z. T. Popovski, Blagica R. Dimitrievska, K. D. Porcu., Katerina Bandzo. 2011. Determination of genetic diversity among different tomato varieties using SSR markers. Acta Agriculturae Serbica, , Vol. XVI, 31. 9-17.

27. Z.T. Popovski, B. Dimitrievska, S. Andonov, V. Vukovic, S. Domazetovska: Corelation between certain biochemical parametars and different genotypes for malignant hyperthermia in swine. First international sympoosium on animal science 2012, Belgrade, Serbia. Proceedings – Book of papers p. 258-264.

28. E. Miskoska-Mileska, O. Najdenovska, A. Selamovska, Z. Popovski, S. Gjorgjevic: The effect of microbiological fertilizer – slavol on strawberry leaf area and stomatal number. Soil and plant, vol.61-3, p.147-158

29. Z. T. Popovski, B.R. Dimitrievska, E. Miskoska – Milevska, K. Bandzo: Electrophoretic determination of female specific protein in koi carp as a tool for gender identification: Technique comparison. International symposium for Agriculture and food, 2013. Symposium proceedings p.691-695

30. Miskoska – Milevska E., Dimitrievska R. B., Popovski T. Z. 2012. Optimization of PCR conditions to amplify DNA microsatellites in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Intrnational Symposium of Agriculture and Food. Skopje. 2013, Symposium proceedings p.626-633.

31. Z. Popovski, B. Dimitrievska, K. Porcu, M. Brka, A. Rustempasic, B. Markovic, R. Djedovic, V. Margeta, H. Mehmeti, and M.Vegara: Polymorphisms in ovine αs1-casein gene among autochthon strains of pramenka breed sheep in Balkan. International symposium for Agriculture and food, 2013. Symposium proceedings p.687-690

32. Rustempašić A., Dokso A., Zečević E., Hodžić A., Popovski Z., Bandzo K. Miskoska-MIlevska E, Brka M. 2013. Polymorphism αs1 casein in Pramenka breed sheep in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina. Proceeding of papers. p.85-88

33. O. Najdenovska, S. Gjorgjevic, E. Miskoska-Mileska, D. Dimovska, Z. Popovski: Determination of broccoli leaf area and stomatal number using different application methods of microbiological fertilizer. Soil and plant, vol.62-1, 2013 p.1-13

34. Agbebi O.T., Wick M.P., Popovski Z.T.: Fish protein fingerprint in whole muscle samples of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) using trichloroacetic acid precipitation. 2013. Journal of Aquatic Sciences. Vol 28 No. 2. p. 235-247

35. Svetozarevic M., Nestorovski T., Popovski Z. T.: Electrophoretic distinction of the origin in different dairy products and milk samples. International symposium on animal science, Beograd, Serbia, September 23-25, 2014. Proceedings of papers. p. 551-557.

36. Popovski Z.T., Kwasek K., Wojno M., Dabrowski K., Tanaskovska B., Andonov S., Wick M.: Determination of RNA DNA ration in white muscle samples of koi carp using different techniques. II International Symposium for Agriculture and Food. October 2015, Ohrid. Proceedings of paper. Vol. II UDC 597.551.2-147.3:577.113 p.1063-1068

37. Nestorovski T., Tanaskovska B., Wick M., Svetozarevic M., Popovski Z.T.: The influence of size and living temperatures on the muscle protein profile of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus). II International Symposium for Agriculture and Food. October 2015, Ohrid. Proceedings of paper. Vol. II UDC 597.551.2-147.3:577.112 p.1087-1091

38. Agbebi O.T., Wick M.P and Popovski Z. T. (2013): Evaluation of three Protein fractions in yellow perch, Perca flavescens using two extraction buffers Trichloroacetic acid precipitation (TCA ppt) and Rigor Buffer. Ife Journal of Science, 15, (2): 197-208. Published by ObafemiAwolowo University Ile-Ife. Osun State, Nigeria

39. Miskovska – Milevska E., Popovski Z.T., Dimitrievska B., Bandzo K.: DNA microsatellite analysis for tomato genetic differentiation. Genetika. (2015) Vol.47. No.3. 1123-1130

40. Z.T. Popovski, M. Wick, A. Tufekchievski, S. Gjorgjievski, T. Nestorovski, A. Aceski: Molecular-genetic predictions in selection of sport talents and ethical aspect of their application. Research in physical education, sport and health. 2016. 5 (1) p.57-63

41. Vladimir Andreevich Soloshenko, Zoran Tomislav Popovski, Galina Moiseevna Goncharenko, Valeriy Lavrentievich Petukhov, Nataliya Borisovna Grishina, Nikolay Iosifovich Shishin, Evgeniy Varisovich Kamaldinov: Association of polymorphism of κ-casein Gene and Its Relationship with Productivity and Qualities of a Cheese Production. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2016. 7(4) p.3214 – 3221

42. Blagica R. Tanaskovska, Sonja Srbinovska, Sreten Andonov, Snjezana Trojacanec, Tome Nestoriovski, Zoran T. Popovski: Genotipization of casein in Holstein-Friesian cattle in Macedonia and its association with some milk properties. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research. 2016. Volume 5, Issue 2, p. 266-270, ISSN (Online) 2319-1473

43. Zoran T. Popovski, Zlatko Pejkovski, Tome Nestorovski: Stress free populations deliver quality. Fleisch Wirtschaft International. 2016. Volume 31 – 5, p.17-21

44. З. Поповски, Э. Мискоска-Милевска, Т. Несторовски, Е.В. Камалдинов, В.Л. Петухов: Подходы к обнаружению генно-модифицированной кукурузы и проведению полуколичественного анализа с использованием белка СP4 EPSPS. (Approaches to investigation of gene modified maize and semi-quantative analysis by means of СР4 EPSPS protein). Вестник НГАУ. No. 3 за 2016. (No.40). стр. 92-97

45. Popovski Z.T., Eastridge M., Gjorgjievski S., Nestorovski T., Svetozarevic M., Wick M.: Influence of gossypol on electrophoretic mobility of milk proteins in dairy cows exposed to cottonseed diet. International symposium of animal sciences. Belgrade 2016. Proceedings. p. 186-195

46. Popovski Z.T., Tanaskovska B.R., Miskoska-Milevska E., Nestorovski T., Svetozarevic M., Musliu Z.: Case studies from Macedonia about the application of molecular methods in determination and prediction of quality in animal production. International symposium of animal sciences. Belgrade 2016. Proceedings. p. 517-525

47. Popovski Z.T., Tanaskovska B., Miskoska-Milevska E., Andonov S., Domazetovska S. Associations of biochemical changes and maternal traits with mutation 1843 (C>T) in the ryr1gene as a common cause for porcine stress syndrome. Balkan Journal of medical Genetics, 19, 2, 75-80. DOI: 10.1515/bjmg-2016-0039. 2016.

48. Z.Popovski, Miskoska-Milevska E., Nestorovski T., Pejkovski Z.: Innovation in food control: Duplex PCR opens new possibilities for the detection of GM soya in chicken sausages. Fleisch Wirtschaft International. 2017. Volume 32 – 1, p.44-46

49. Z. S. Musliji, M. Svetozarevic, T. Nestorovski, B. Tanaskovska and Z. T. Popovski: DIFFERENT APPROACHES IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF MEAT ORIGIN BASED ON PROTEIN PROFILING AND SIMPLE PCR. Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 70. 2017. p. 27-32. UDC:637.5:577.1/.2

50. Popovski Z.T., Kwasek K., Wojno M., Dabrowski K., Wick M: IDENTIFICATION AND PARTIAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A SEX SPECIFIC PROTEIN IN KOI CARP (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus). Acta Veterinaria,Vol 67, No 2, p.285 – 291 2017.


51. Zoran T. Popovski, Tome Nestorovski, Milica Svetozarevic, Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska

Purification and optimization of conditions for DNA polymerase isolated from thermopile bacteria Bacillus caldolyticus. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. p. 35-40 (2017) DOI: 10.20450/mjcce.2017.1147

52. Elizabeta MISKSOKA-MILEVSKA*, Zoran T. POPOVSKI, Tome NESTOROVSKI: Usefulness of a Locus LE21085 in the Genetic Differentiation of Tomato Varieties. Not Sci Biol, 2017, 9(2). DOI: 10.15835/nsb9210114

53. Zoran T. Popovski, Tome Nestorovski, Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska, Trajce Stafilov: IMPACT OF HEAVY METALS FROM MINING INDUSTRY ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. Second School of Young Scientists. NSAU. Proceedings of papers. pp. 115-123 UDC 631:631.416.8

54. Zoran T. Popovski, Tome Nestorovski, Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska: MOLECULAR AND BIOCHEMICAL TOOLS IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND IN DISCOVERING OF AGROBIODIVERSITY. XX International scientific-practical conference Agrarian Science in the development of agriculture in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belarus and Bulgaria. Book of papers. pp. 4-6. УДК 63: 001 (517.3, 571.1/5, 574) (063) ББК 49: 72(545,253,543) 431, А 252


56. Zoran T. Popovski, Blagica Tanaskovska, Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska, Tome Nestorovski, Koco Porcu, Katerina Bandzo-Oreshkovikj, Milica Svetozarevic, Zimera Saiti, Macdonald Wick: APPLICATION OF MOLECULAR TOOLS IN ANIMAL BREEDING, CROP SCIENCE, FOOD CONTROL AND AGROBIODIVERSITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Contribution, 2017 38 (2). p. 165-184. DOI:10.20903/csnmbs.masa.2017.38.2.11

57. Zoran T. Popovski, Zlatko Pejkovski, Tome Nestorovski: Stress free populations deliver quality. Fleisch Wirtschaft International. 2017. Volume 2, p.23-27 (Chinese edition)

58. A. Rustempašić, A.Dokso, E.Zečević, A. Hodžić, A.Hrković-Porobija, Z.Sarić, E. Miskoska–Milevska, Z.Popovski and M. Brka: POLYMORPHISM OF β-LACTOGLOBULIN IN PRAMENKA SHEEP BREED IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 28(1): 2018, Page: 337-340 ISSN: 1018-7081


DANIELA DIMOVSKA: The influence of the microbiological fertilizer – Slavol on cauliflower growth. Romanian Biotechnological Letters Vol. 23, No. 2, 2018

60. Katerina Bandzo Oreshkovikj, Rade Rusevski, Biljana Kuzmanovska, Mirjana Jankulovska, Zoran T. Popovski: Occurrence of plant viruses on pepper cultivated in open fields in R. Macedonia and partial characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus isolates. European Journal of plant pathology. Published online July 17, 2018. Volume 100, issue 2. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s42161-018-0110-2

61. Elizabeta Miskoska-Milevska, Zoran T. Popovski, Tome Nestorovski: USEFULNESS OF A LOCUS LEEF1Aa IN THE GENETIC DIFFERENTIATION OFTOMATO VARIETIES. JAFES Vol. 72, No 2, p-56-61. (2018)

62. Aleksandar Chadikovski, Tome Nestorovski, Vesna Rafajlovska, Macdonald Wick, Zoran T. Popovski: CHARACTERIZATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF PROTEINS IN WHEY OBTAINED AS A BY-PRODUCT FROM WHITE CHEESE AND YELLOW CHEESE PRODUCTIONCONTRIBUTIONS, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences, MASA, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 139–144 (2019) DOI:10.20903/csnmbs.masa.2019.40.1.137

63. Zoran T Popovski: Molecular Methods as Precondition for Development of Agriculture and Livestock Production. ECronicon - EC Agriculture 5.6 (2019).

64. Demiri S., Popovska O., Sabriu-Haxhijaha A., Miskoska-Milevska E., Lutovska M., Pollozhani A., Popovski Z.T.: DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TECHNIQUES FOR ESTIMATION OF AIR, WATER AND SOIL QUALITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. South East European Journal of Sustainable Development (SEEJSD). Vol. 2 – 2 p. 43 – 50 (2019)

65. Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska, Zoran T. Popovski, Tome Nestorovski: CHARACTERIZATION OF A LOCUS LECH13 IN DIFFERENT TOMATO VARIETIES USING FRAGMENT ANALYSES. CONTRIBUTIONS, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences, MASA, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 255–260 (2019). DOI: 10.20903/csnmbs.masa.2019.40.2.149

66. Zimere S. Musliji, Tatyana V. Konovalova, Arita S. Hadzijaha, Marija Terzic,

Aleksandar Aceski, Aleksandar Tufekchievski, Zoran T. Popovski: OPTIMISATION OF PCR CONDITIONS FOR MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF A GROUP OF ‘SPORTS AND OBESITY GENES. Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health

2019, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.65-67. ISSN(Print):1857-8152; ISSN(Online):1857-8160, UDC: 796.093.11-056.7-056.47


1. Popovski Z.T., Grupce L., Melovski L. : Phytomass of herbs in different forest ecosystems of the National park Galicica", IV. Congress of Yugoslav ecologists, Book of abstracts p. 316. Ohrid 1988 (poster)

2. Popovski Z., Maric M., Dimovski A., Efremov D.:Detection of HCV with RT/PCR, Third Meeting of Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, Balkan Journal for Clinical Laboratory, 2-95-2, p. 51, Struga, October 1996 (poster)

3. Popovski Z.T., C. Pendarovski: Possibilities for processing the blood waste from the industrial shambles Eight scientific meeting of Macedonian ecological society, Book of abstracts p.39, 1997 (poster)

4. Popovski Z.T., G.D. Efremov, E. Emanuilova, E. Dokic-Trajkovska: Properties of thermophilic bacterial strain Bacillus caldolyticus isolated from hot spring Bansko, Macedonia, I Balkan Conference for Microbiology, Plovdiv (Bulgaria) GM9, p. 210, 1999 (poster)

5. Popovski Z., Kanna N: Production of Heterologous Proteins in E.coli using different expression technologies, 2nd Congress of Macedonian Microbiologists with international participation. 2002, p.12 (oral presentation)

6. Popovski Z.: Basis of the Organization of the Laboratory for Molecular Biology. 30th Meeting of the Macedonian Medical Laboratory and Sanitary Technicians. p.12 2002 (invited speaker)

7. Popovski Z.T.: Production of recombinant proteins. First Conferenceon GMO: Future and Problems. September 6-7, 2002. Plovdiv, Bulgaria

8. Porcu, K.,Popovski, Z.T., Dzabirski, V., Andonov, S., Tanaskovska, B. (Dimitrievska): Determination of pic values of cattle, goat and sheep DNA microsatellites in the sheep genome. International Symposium: Sustainable Utilization of Indigenous Plant and Animal Genetic Resources in the Mediterranean Region, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2004 (poster)

9. Olsaker, Katenen, Cinkulov, Brka, Margeta, Porcu, Tanaskovska, Djedovic, Kralik, Antunovic, Popovski: Preliminary phylogenetic analysis and comments on Balkan Sheep breeds.International Symposium: Sustainable Utilization of Indigenous Plant and Animal Genetic Resources in the Mediterranean Region, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2004 (poster)

10. Tanaskovska B., Popovski Z.T., Srbinovska, S., Porcu, K., Palashevski B., Dubrova-Mateva, N.: Correlation Between the Polymorphisms of -casein and Some Milk Features of Holstein-frisien Cows in Macedonia. Symposia of livestock production with international participation. Ohrid, 2005. p. 37 (oral presentation)

11. Popovski, Z., Vukovic, V., Andonov S., Porchu K., Tanaskovska B.: Correlation Between the Genotype for Porcine Stress Syndrome and Some Productive and Reproductive Traits of Pigs. Symposia of livestock production with international participation. Ohrid, 2005. p.42 (oral presentation)

12. Dzabirski V., Porcu K., Dimitrievska B., Andonov S., Popovski Z.T.:Genetic identity among macedonian indigenous sheep breed. 7th. Cinica Veterinaria, 8 th. Syposium on Animal Reproduction, 10th Conference for Ovine and Caprine Reproduction. Proceedings AGR 20416. p.386. 2005 (poster)

13. Tanaskovska, B. (Dimitrievska), Porcu, K.,Popovski, Z.T.:Frequency of-casein Genotypes in Holstein-Frisian Cattle in Republic of Macedonia, Biotechnology 2006, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic p 415 (oral presentation)

14. Popovski Z.T., Efremov G.D. Isolation of termostabile DNA polymerase from Bacillus caldolyticus. Biotechnology 2006, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic p. 1065 (oral presentation)

15. Dzabirski V., Porcu K., Popovski Z., Andonov S., Dimitrievska B.: Preliminary results of polymorphism on DNA microsatellites markers from different origin in of autochtones sheep strains from Pramenka breed in the Republic of Macedonia. XIX Scientific – professional meeting for agriculture and food industry. June 7-9, 2006, Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina. p. 121

16. Ćinkulov, M., Popovski, Z., Porcu, K., Tanaskovska, B., Hodžić, A., Bytyqi, H., Mehmeti, H.,Margeta, V., Djedović, R., Hoda, A., Trailović, R., Brka, M., Marković, B., Važić, B., Vegara, M.,Olsaker, I., Kantanen, J.Genetic diversity of the West Balkan Pramenka sheep. Conference on Native Breeds and Varietiesas part of Natural and Cultural Heritage Šibenik, Croatia 2007, 65 – 66 (poster)

17. Z. T. Popovski, B. Dimitrievska, K. Porchu, A. Tufekcievski, G. Boglev: Review on the Influence of the Genetic Factors to the Sport Performances. 2nd Scientific meeting of the School Sport Federation in Macedonia. Ohrid 2008 (oral presentation)

18. Irena Kuzmanoska and Zoran Popovski: Rethinking governance – trends, policies, policy options. Global Research Seminar: Sharing Research Agendas on Knowledge Systems, UNESCO HQ November 2008 (oral presentation)

19. Trajcev M., Popovski Z., Nakov D., Dimitrievska B., Porcu K. and Petrovska M.: Characterization of resistance of Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. isolates isolated from dairy cows. VI Balkan Congress of Microbiology. Ohrid 2009. Book of abstracts p. 35 (poster)

20. Z. T. Popovski, B. R. Dimitrievska, K. D. Porcu and E. Miskoska - Milevska: Microorganisms as Tools in Genetic Modification. VI Balkan Congress of Microbiology. Ohrid 2009. Book of abstracts p. 184-185 (invited speaker)

21. B. Dimitrievska, Z.T. Popovski, K. Porcu: Merging procedures for detection of soy DNA and presence of GM soy in food samples. Foodinova 2010, Valencia, Spain(2010), p.146 (poster)

22. Dimitrievska B., Miskoska – Milevska E. Porcu K. and Popovski Z.: Genetic modifications in plant protection. XXXV Meeting on plant protection with international participation –. Ohrid, Macedonia 2010 (invited speaker)

23. Elizabeta Miskoska Milevska, Blagica R. Dimitrievska, Katerina Bandzo, Koco D.Porcu, Zoran T. Popovski: Genetic Distance among Different Tomato Varieties Determined by Using SSR Markers. Annual meeting of Ohio Plant Biotechnologists Consortium, October 8, 2011. p. 5 (poster)

24. Blagica R. Dimitrievska, Zoran T. Popovski, Kenneth C. Schneeberger, “Comparison of level of specificity and level of sensitivity of GMO detection methods in different food products”, 2011 GMCC Coexistence Conference:Achieving Coexistence of Biotech, Conventional & Organic Foods in the Marketplace October 26-28, 2011 Vancouver, Canada (poster)

25. L. Colart, Z.T. Popovski, K. Dambrowski, M. Wojo, M. Wick: The influence of temperature on growth and myogenic growth factor expression of Cyprinus carpio subsp. haematopterus (koi carp). Denman student research competition 2012. Article number 104. Ohio State University (poster)

26. M. Overly, M. Wick, Z.T. Popovski: Muscle growth factors related to the muscle growth rates of Perca flavescens. Capstone Student Exhibition 2012. Medical pathways of the future. Ohiohealth – Westerville campus. (oral presentation)

27. Rustempašić A., Dokso A., Zečević E., Hodžić A., Popovski Z., Bandzo K. Miskoska-MIlevska E, Brka M. Polymorphism αs1 casein in Pramenka breed sheep. 24thInternational Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina September 25-28, 2013 (poster)

28. Popovski T.Z. GMM - application, risks and controversies. 5-th Congress of Macedonian microbiologists with international participation. May 28-31, 2014 Ohrid. Invited speaker. Book of abstracts. p. 84-85, 2014 (invited speaker)

29. Bandzo K., Rusevski R., Kuzmanovska B., Bandzo S., Miskoska-MIlevska E., Popovski Z.T.: Serological approach in the detection of viruses in pepper plants cultivated on open fields in the Republic of Macedonia. International scientific conference “Challenges in modern agricultural production”, December 2014, Skopje. Book of abstracts p. 62. (poster)

30. Popovski Z.T., Dimitrievska B.R.: Application of biochemical and molecular tools in animal science: case studies on marker assisted selection, evolutionary studies, identification of animal products and gene expression. VII Balkan Conference on Animal Science. Balnialcon 2015. Sarajevo June 2015. (invited speaker) Book of abstracts. p. 20 (invited speaker)

31. Popovski Z.T., Tanaskovska B.R., E. Miskoska – Milevska, M. Svetozarevic, T. Nestorovski.: Genetically modified microorganisms as living factories for production of recombinant proteins. II Symposium of Geneticists in B-H with international participation. “Biotechnology in Medicine and Agriculture”. October 2015, Banja Luka. (Plenary lecture) Book of abstracts p.19 (invited speaker)

32. Brka M., Rustempasic A., Dokso A., Zecevic E., Hodzic A., Saric Z., Dimitrievska B., Miskovska – Milevska E., Bandzo K., Porchu K., Popovski Z.T.: Polymorphism of beta lactoglobulin in Pramenka breed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. II International Symposium for Agriculture and Food. October 2015, Ohrid. Book of abstracts p.28 (oral presentation)

33. Musliji Z.S., Svetozarevic M., Nestorovski T., Tanaskovska B.R., Popovski Z.T.: Different approaches in the identification of meat origin based on protein profiling and simple PCR. II International Symposium for Agriculture and Food. October 2015, Ohrid. Book of abstracts p.142 (poster)

34. Miskovska – Milevska E., Popovski Z.T., Dimitrievska B., Bandzo K.: Tomato genetic differentiation using DNA microsatellites. II International Symposium for Agriculture and Food. October 2015, Ohrid. Book of abstracts p.172 (poster)

35. Popovski T.Z, Tanaskovska R.B., Miskoska – Milevska E., Nestorovski T., Bandzo K., Porcu K., Svetozarevic M., Saiti Z.: Fifteen years’ experience in application of molecular tools in agriculture and food science in the republic of Macedonia: Few stories about marker assisted selection, evolutionary studies, identification of animal products, gene expression, detection and characterization of plant viruses, production of recombinant proteins and GMO control. Second international conference on research and technology. Session on Modern Research in Agriculture and Environment. Istanbul 2016 (Keynote speaker)

36. Z.T. Popovski, M. Wick, A. Tufekchievski, S. Gjorgjievski, T. Nestorovski, A. Aceski: Molecular-genetic predictions in selection of sport talents and ethical aspect of their application. II International conference for physical culture. Skopje, Macedonia 2016 (oral presentation)

37. Popovski Z.T., Eastridge M., Gjorgjievski S., Nestorovski T., Svetozarevic M., Wick M.: Influence of gossypol on electrophoretic mobility of milk proteins in dairy cows exposed to cottonseed diet. International symposium of animal sciences. Belgrade 2016. (oral presentation)

38. Popovski Z.T., Tanaskovska B.R., Miskoska-Milevska E., Nestorovski T., Svetozarevic M., Musliu Z.: Case studies from Macedonia about the application of molecular methods in determination and prediction of quality in animal production. International symposium of animal sciences. Belgrade 2016. (invited speaker)

39. Zoran.T. Popovski, Eftim Pejovski, Tome Nestorovski, Metodija Najdoski, Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska, Mitko Karadelev, Katerina Rusevska, Jordanco Miloseski, Oliver Zajkov, Snjezana Trojacanec, Pece Ristevski, Tomislav Popovski: Creative Center Karposh – Center of Youth Excellence in the Environmental Sciences and a Tool for Eco-Education. V congress of Macedonian ecologists with international participation. Ohrid 2016. Book of abstracts p. 193 (oral presentation)

40. Zoran T. Popovski, Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska, Tome Nestorovski: EVOLUTION IN THE GMO DETECTION AND QUANTIFICATION. 2nd International Balkan Agricultural Congress. May 16-18, 2017 Tekirdag, Turkey. (invited speaker)

41. M. Terzic, E E. Sukarova Stefanovska,. Miskoska-Milevska, Z.T. Popovski, Z. Arsov, D. Plaseska-Karanfilska: Micro RNA and tobacco species. Macedonian story yet to be told. Iplanta Cost Action Ca15223 1st Iplanta Conference RNAI: 15-17 February 2017 Roma, Italy (poster)

42. Z. Popovski, B. Tanaskovska, K. Porcu, E. Miskoska – Milevska, K. Bandzo and T. Nestorovski: Review on the application of Marker Assisted Selection in animal breeding in the Republic of Macedonia in last 50 years. VII international symposium of livestock production. September 14-16, 2017, Skopje, Macedonia (Invited speaker)

43. Zoran T. Popovski, Tome Nestorovski, Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska, Trajce Stafilov: IMPACT OF HEAVY METALS FROM MINING INDUSTRY ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. Second School of Young Scientists. NSAU. Proceedings of papers. September 2017, Novosibirsk, Russia (invited speaker)

44. Zoran T. Popovski, Tome Nestorovski, Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska: MOLECULAR AND BIOCHEMICAL TOOLS IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND IN DISCOVERING OF AGROBIODIVERSITY. XX International scientific-practical conference Agrarian Science in the development of agriculture in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belarus and Bulgaria. Book of papers. September 2017, Novosibirsk, Russia (invited speaker)

45. Zoran Popovski, Karolina Kwasek, Mihai Wojno, Konrad Dabrowski, Macdonald Wick: IDENTIFICATION OF GROWTH FACTORS IN WHITE FISH MUSCLES USING REVERSE TRANCRIPTION PCR. III International symposium on agriculture and food. October 18-20, 2017 Ohrid, Macedonia p. 96

46. T. Nestorovski*, L. Velkoska – Markovska, B. Petanovska – Ilievska, Z. T. Popovski: DIFFERENT APPROACHES IN ANALYZING CHYMOSIN PURITY. III International symposium on agriculture and food. October 18-20, 2017 Ohrid, Macedonia p. 163

47. Elizabeta Miskoska-Milevska*, Zoran T. Popovski, Tome Nestorovski: USEFULNESS OF A LOCUS LEEF1Aa IN THE GENETIC DIFFERENTIATION OF TOMATO VARIETIES. III International symposium on agriculture and food. October 18-20, 2017 Ohrid, Macedonia p. 239

48. Katerina Bandzo Oreshkovikj, Zoran T. Popovski, Rade Rusevski, Biljana Kuzmanovska: Use of RT-PCR techniques in detection of plant viruses in pepper in R. Macedonia. III International symposium on agriculture and food. October 18-20, 2017 Ohrid, Macedonia p.

49. E. Miskoska-Milevska, M. Terzic, Z.T. Popovski, E. Sukarova Stefanovska, D. Plaseska-Karanfilska: Micro RNA In tomato varieties. Iplanta Cost Action Ca15223 2nd Iplanta Conference RNAi: THE FUTURE OF CROSS TALK 14-16 february 2018 Poznań, Poland (poster)

50. Zoran T. Popovski et. al.: Strengthening of biotechnological education in Macedonia as a important development component. 2nd Conference “Toward Sustainable Development”, November 3, 2018. University Mother Theresa, Skopje, Key Speaker

51. Z.T. Popovski, A. Pollozhani: Didactical in-service training of academic stuff as a condition for quality assurance in tertiary education". 2nd Conference “Toward Sustainable Development”, November 3, 2018. University Mother Theresa, Skopje, Oral presentation

52. Sani Demiri, Olga Popovska, Arita Sabriu-Haxhijaha, Zoran T. Popovski, Elizabeta Miskoska-Milevska, Monika Lutovska, Azis Pollozhani: Development of new techniques for estimation of air, water and soil quality in the Republic of Macedonia. 2nd Conference “Toward Sustainable Development”, November 3, 2018. University Mother Theresa, Skopje, Oral presentation

53. Зоран Т. Поповски: Молекуларни инструменти во животноводствие. Международна научно-практическои конференции „Кормопроизводство, продуктивности, долголетие и благополучение животних октобри-ноимбри 2018. Луковое. Новосибирскаја Област. Россиа

54. Popovski Z., Tome N., Michal W., Karolina K., Konrad D., Macdonald W., PRELIMINARY DATA ON THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE MYOGENIC GROWTH FACTORSAND THEIR IDENTIFICATION IN KOI CARP (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus). INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANIMAL SCIENCE 2018. 22nd – 23th November 2018, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia. p.46

55. Konovalova T., Sebezhko O., Li V., Liu M., Surbayeva R., Korotkevich O., Narozhnykh K., Nazarenko A., Kamaldinov E., Andreeva V., Petukhov V., Popovski Z. CORRELATIONS OF SOME BIOCHEMICAL AND HEMATOLOGICAL, PARAMETERS WITH POLYMORPHISMS IN aS1-CASEIN AND b-LACTOGLOBULIN GENES IN ROMANOV SHEEP BREED. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANIMAL SCIENCE 2018. 22nd – 23th November 2018, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia. p.47


1. Z.T. Popovski: Relationship Society – Ecology.Macedonian Radio Television, Radio Skopje 3. Documentary department. Vol. 37: p.210-214, 1989

2. Z.T. Popovski: Elaborate for establishment of Research Station as a center for stationery training of talented students in the field of natural sciences, 1990

3. Z.T. Popovski : Embryogenesis of the University (1) Incubator or Hen.Student’s word, Vol. 1124 p.7, 1990

4. Z.T. Popovski : Embryogenesis of the University (2) Per Sciantiam Ad Astra. Student’s word, Vol. 1125 p.7, 1990

5. Z.T. Popovski : Embryogenesis of the University (3) Profession – Student! Student’s word, Vol. 1126 p.7, 1990

6. Z.T. Popovski : Exercises are skills, Student’s word, 1218, 1994, (12-13)

7. M. Karadelev, Z.T. Popovski: Elaborate for establishment of Macedonian Collection of Microorganisms (MACOMO), 1994

8. Z.T. Popovski:Objective mark as an imperative, Student’s word, Vol. 1219, 1994, (22-23)

9. Z.T. Popovski : Efficient governance for modern university, Student’s word, Vol. 1224, 1995 (12-13)

10. Z.T. Popovski: Quarter instead of semester, Student’s word, Vol. 1225, 1995 (12-13)

11. Z.T.Popovski: Law for tertiary education – With the new law in the nowhere. Student word, Vol. 1233, pages 12-13

12. Z.T. Popovski: Genetic engineering: Cloning – yes, coping – no. III Program of Macedonian radio – scientific unit, 1998

13. Z.T. Popovski: Universities in USA from outside light, but inside... Student word Vol. 1246, p.8

14. G. Martinovski, Z.T. Popovski: Elaborate for establishment of an Agrocentre for permanent education. UNESCO, 1999

15. Z.T. Popovski: Teaching stuff in Macedonian education – problems and solutions. FOSIM. 2004

16. Z.T.Popovski et al: Concept for performing of the process of decentralization in education in the Republic of Macedonia. Ministry for education and science in the Republic of Macedonia 2004

17. Z.T.Popovski et al: Proposal for recomposing of central educational authorities in the context of decentralization. Ministry for education and science in the Republic of Macedonia 2004

18. Z.T.Popovski: Programe for rationalization in the field of education and science. Ministry for education and science in the Republic of Macedonia 2004

19. Expert group: (Z.T.Popovski – coordinator of the chapter for Institutional support of the education reform in Macedonia) National programe for development of education in the Republic of Macedonia 2005 – 2015 with the additional documents. FIOSM and Ministry for education and science, 2005

20. Z.T. Popovski V. Stefov: Research and Development (R&D) in the Republic of Macedonia. Modernisation of Science Policy and Management Approaches in Central and South East Europe. E. Kobal and S. Radosevic (Eds.) IOS Press, 2005. p. 61-67

21. Expert group: (Z.T.Popovski – coordinator) National programe for scientific and technological development of the Republic of Macedonia between 2006 – 2010 with Action plan. Ministry for education and science, 2006

22. Z.T.Popovski, A. Tufekcievski and G. Boglev: Modernization and development of the school sport via its informatization and istitutionalization. Programming and Organization of professional and scientific dimension of school sport. P.10-15. Ohrid 2006

23. Z.T. Popovski: Elaborate for establishment of system for pedagogical and didactic training for the academic stuff at the Faculty for Agricultural Sciences and Food – Skopje, FASF 2006

24. Z.T.Popovski: Euro integration of B&H in the field of education – Action Plan. EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

25. Z.T.Popovski: Coordination of international cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of education - Action plan. EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

26. Z.T. Popovski: Decentralization - way of sharing responsibilities in education. EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

27. Z.T. Popovski: Questionnaire on decentralization of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

28. Z.T. Popovski: Educational reform in Bosnia and Herzegovinafrom European point of view. EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

29. Z.T. Popovski:. Input to finding optimal solution for the organization of education ministries in Bosnia and Herzegovina. EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

30. Z.T. Popovski:. Platform for partnership between the education and the economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

31. Z.T. Popovski:. Staffing and training needs of the educational administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

32. Z.T. Popovski:. Institutional preparations for using of community programs in education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

33. Z.T. Popovski:. Template on projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina education funded by outside sources EU Project – Institutional and CapacityBuilding in B&H Education System. Final document, 2007

34. Z.T.Popovski: Еlaborateforestablishmentof the university center forpermanent education in Krusevo. UKIM 2007

35. Z.T.Popovski: Тhe care for talented young people in the Republic of Macedonia. Network of Youth Excellence. Conference 2007, Research Center Petnica, Serbia 2007

36. Z.T.Popovski: Bioethics – reality or illusion. Conference “Ethics in modern science”. p. 35-46, UKIM 2007

37. Z.T. Popovski: Educational Reform and Education for All (EFA) Goals. Education for All – From Declaration to Reality. Final report. SUBREGIONAL SEMINAR. Sarajevo, 2007

38. Z.T. Popovski: Feasibility Study of Subsidiary Company in the West Balkan - Market Survey - Country Report for the Republic of Macedonia Comments. UniservicesLtd. Jyvaskyla University, 2007

39. Z.T. Popovski, A. Tufekcievski, G. Boglev, V. Dimovski, M. Aliu, A. Aceski, I. Angjelkovski: Analysis of the influence of project Fun School Sport in Macedonia. 2nd Scientific meeting of the School Sport Federation in Macedonia. Book of papers. p.26-30, 2008

40. A. Tufekcievski, Z.T. Popovski, V. Dimovski, G. Boglev: Macedonian Sport Development Through School Sport. 2nd Scientific meeting of the School Sport Federation in Macedonia. Book of papers. p.17-21, 2008

41. Z.T.Popovski: Insight to Education in South – East Europeans Countries. Expert Report UNESCO, 2008

42. Jean-Pierre Jallade, Serban Agachi, Mark Agranovitch, Klaus Hüfner, Zoran Popovski, and Jerzy Wisniewski: Expert report: Education Development and Cooperation in Europe: What Prospects For UNESCO? UNESCO, 2008

43. Irena Kuzmanoska and Zoran Popovski: Rethinking governance – trends, policies, policy options.Global Research Seminar: Sharing Research Agendas on Knowledge Systems, UNESCO HQ November 2008

44. Z.T. Popovski, L. Gadzoska, A. Rushiti, B. Tanaskovska, Zoran Velkovski, Milka Masnikosa, V. Palevska - Mucunska: Analysis of good governance in educational system in Macedonia with recommendations. p. 55-71. FOSIM, 2009

45. Z.T. Popovski: Regional Achievements of EFA Goals in SEE Countries With a Special Focus on Marginalized Groups. International Conference for equal opportunity for Roma children in South and East Europe. Models of good practice Save the Children. Sarajevo, 2008

46. G. Velkovski and Z.T.Popovski: ECTS – reality or illusion in higher education. Youth Educational Forum. ISBN 978-9989-2269-7-7, 2010

47. Z.T.Popovski: Quality in higher education under the question mark – Dispersion as Macedonian phenomena. Foundation Institute Open Society Macedonia. ISBN 978-608-218-072-4, 2010

48. L. Pop Ivanov, M. Bozinovska, S. Bozovic and Z.T.Popovski: We are dreaming to travel – Analisis of academic and student mobility. Youth Educational Forum. ISBN 978-9989-2269-8-4, 2011 Quality in higher education under the question mark – Dispersion as Macedonian phenomena. Foundation Institute Open Society Macedonia. ISBN 978-608-218-072-4, 2010

49. Z.T.Popovski: Public Study on Discrimination of children in B-H schools. Save the Children, Norway – Regional SEE office, Sarajevo 2011

50. Z.T.Popovski: Final Report of the Project: Strengthening Educational and Capacity on Natural Resource Conservation in Ohrid – Prespa Basins. EU Program for Cross border Cooperation. Natyra. 2013

51. Z. T. Popovski and T.Z. Popovski: Why USA are world sport leader? School and university sports as bases for highest sport results. Kondicia. ISSN 1857-9620, 1. (1) 2014. p. 87-92 UDK 796.034.6 (73)

52. A Tufekdzievski, A. Aceski, G. Boglev, S. Davitkovski, M. Aliu, Z.T. Popovski and G. Hristov: Recommendations, proposals and action plan for systemat improvement I increasing the youth participation in school sport in Macedonia. Kondicia. ISSN 1857-9620, 1 (1) 2014 p. 109 -115 UDK: 796.034-057874:061.237(497.7)

53. A Tufekdzievski, Z.T. Popovski, B. Popeska, V. Dimovski, A. Aceski, G. Dukoski, E. Kiroska: Guideline for planning of sport activities for pre-school children. Kondicia. ISSN 1857-9620, 1 (4) 2016 p. 1-14 UDK: 796.034-057874:061.237(497.7)

54. Zoran.T. Popovski, Eftim Pejovski, Tome Nestorovski, Metodija Najdoski, Elizabeta Miskoska – Milevska, Mitko Karadelev, Katerina Rusevska, Jordanco Miloseski, Oliver Zajkov, Snjezana Trojacanec, Pece Ristevski, Tomislav Popovski: Creative Center Karposh – Center of Youth Excellence in the Environmental Sciences and a Tool for Eco-Education. Proceedings of the 5th congress of the ecologists of Macedonia with international participation. Ohrid October 19-22, 2016. Special issues of Macedonian Ecological Society 15. p, 159-164

55. Popovski Z.T., Pollozhani A.: DIDACTICAL IN-SERVICE TRAINING OF ACADEMIC STUFF AS A CONDITION FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE IN TERTIARY EDUCATION. South East European Journal of Sustainable Development (SEEJSD). Vol. 2 – 2 p. 7 – 13 (2019)

56. Zoran T Popovski. Holistic Approach in Strengthening of Agricultural Education. ECronicon - EC Agriculture 5.9 (2019): 515-516.

57. Zoran T Popovski: What is Happening with the Enrollment Policy in Agri-Food Higher Education?. ECronicon - EC Agriculture ECO.02 (2019): 14-16.

58. Zoran T Popovski, Azis Pollozhani, Marija Terzic, Zimere Musliu: Multi, Inter and Trans-Disciplinary Context of Science. EC Agriculture 6.4 (2020): 12-13.


1. Popovski Z.T.Guide threw the practical training in Biochemistry. Manual 1992,

2. Z.T.Popovski and M. Majstoroska: Software for electronic assessment in the field of Biochemistry. National exhibition of innovations “Makinova” 1996 (Gold placket and bronze medal)

3. Z.T. Popovski, L. Melovski, M. Karadelev, S. Hristovski: Biological heritage of Macedonia Set of 11 documentary movies, Macedonian television 1998

4. G.D. Efremov, A.J. Dimovski, D. Plaseska – Karanfilska, L. Simjanovska, E. Sukarova, S. Koceva and Z.T. Popovski: Laboratory Manual for NA based methods in human and veterinary medicine. MASA RCGEB 1998.

5. Z.T. Popovski: Her Excellency – MARK. TV serial in 6 episodes. MAK spot TV. National Council for Radiodifusion. 1999 – 2000

6. Popovski Z.T., Tanaskovska B., Porchu K.: Application of Molecular Methods in Selection and Conservation of Domestic Animals, Manual, 2002

7. Bartol T., Postoli A., Loinaz M., Sivurova O., Travers F., Nedved O., Fjeldsa J., Nas K., Fokkema J., Pilats V., Gardarson A., Reynolds J., Budrys R., Popovski Z.T., Baldaccio A., Eriksen L., Ubaud J., Lee R., Evansd M., Richter H.: Multilingual Animal Glossary of Unveiled Synonyms. Pan – European Dictionary of Common Names of Animals: Mammals and Birds in 53 languages. Part two. Slavic languages. 2004

8. K. Porcu, B. Markovic, V. Dzabirski, Z.T.Popovski, S. Andonov and B. Tanaskovska: Catalog of WestBalkan pramenka sheep breed types. Pramenka breed types in Macedonia p.55-61. Norwegian SEE programin agriculture. Publisher FASF, Skopje 2006

9. Popovski Z.T. and Dimitrievska B.: Biochemistry, Textbook 2010 I edition

10. Popovski Z., Dimitrievska B. and Miskoska-Milevska E.: Manual for practical course “PCR based methods”. FASF 2013

11. Editor in Chief Munis Dündar Contributors: Dijana Plaseska – Karanfilska, Zoran T. Popovski, Bratislav Stankovic: Current applications of biotechnology. Chapter 16: Recombinant DNA technology and genetic engineering, EBTNA 2013

12. Popovski Z.T.: Genetic modification, Textbook, (in press)

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