Natalia Prevarskaya - Publications#

Selected original research papers

1.Folcher A, Gordienko D, Iamshanova O, Bokhobza A, Shapovalov G, Kannancheri-Puthooru D, Mariot P, Allart L, Desruelles E, Spriet C, Diez R, Oullier T, Marionneau-Lambot S, Brisson L, Geraci S, Impheng H, Lehen'kyi V, Haustrate A, Mihalache A, Gosset P, Chadet S, Retif S, Laube M, Sobilo J, Lerondel S, Villari G, Serini G, Pla AF, Roger S, Fromont-Hankard G, Djamgoz M, Clezardin P, Monteil A, PREVARSKAYA N. NALCN-mediated sodium influx confers metastatic prostate cancer cell invasiveness. EMBO J. 2023 Jun 6:e112198. doi: 10.15252/embj.2022112198. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37278161.

2.Farfariello V, Gordienko D, Mesilmany L, Touil Y, E Germain E, Fliniaux I, Desruelles E, Metzger D, Bernard D, Parys, Lemonnier and PREVARSKAYA N TRPC3 shapes the ER-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer characterizing tumour-promoting senescence” Nat Commun. 2022. Feb 17;13(1):956. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-28597-x.

3. Abeele FV, Lotteau S, Ducreux S, Dubois C, Monnier N, Hanna A, Gkika D, Romestaing C, Noyer L, Flourakis M, Tessier N, Al-Mawla R, Chouabe C, Lefai E,Lunardi J, Hamilton S, Fauré J, Van Coppenolle F, PREVARSKAYA N. TRPV1 variants impair intracellular Ca(2+) signaling and may confer susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia. Genetics in Medecine 2018 Jun 21. doi: 10.1038/s41436-018-0066-9.

4. Bidaux G, Borowiec AS, Gordienko D, Beck B, Shapovalov GG, Lemonnier L, Flourakis M, Vandenberghe M, Slomianny C, Dewailly E, Delcourt P, Desruelles E,Ritaine A, Polakowska R, Lesage J, Chami M, Skryma R, PREVARSKAYA N. Epidermal TRPM8 channel isoform controls the balance between keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation in a cold-dependent manner. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Jun 30;112(26):E3345-54.

5. Dubois C, Vanden Abeele F, Lehen'kyi V, Gkika D, Guarmit B, Lepage G, Slomianny C, Borowiec AS, Bidaux G, Benahmed M, Shuba Y, PREVARSKAYA N. Remodeling of channel-forming ORAI proteins determines an oncogenic switch in prostate cancer. Cancer Cell. 2014 Jul 14;26(1):19-32.

6. Raphaël M, Lehen'kyi V, Vandenberghe M, Beck B, Khalimonchyk S, Vanden Abeele, F, Farsetti L, Germain E, Bokhobza A, Mihalache A, Gosset P, Romanin C, Clézardin,P, Skryma R, PREVARSKAYA N. TRPV6 calcium channel translocates to the plasma membrane via Orai1-mediated mechanism and controls cancer cell survival. ProcNatl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Sep 16;111(37):E3870-9.

7.G Bidaux, M Flourakis, S Thebault, A Zholos, B Beck, D Gkika, M Roudbaraki, JL Bonnal, B.Mauroy, Y Shuba, R Skryma, and PREVARSKAYA N. Differentiation status of prostate cells determines TRPM8 channel subcellular localization and function: involvement in carcinogenesis. J. Clin. Invest., 2007, 10.1172

8. Vanden Abeele F.,Skryma R.,Shuba Y.,Van Coppenolle F.,Slomianny C.,Roudbaraki M.,Mauroy B.,WuytackF., and PREVARSKAYA N. Bcl-2-dependent modulation of Ca(2+) homeostasis and store-operated channels in prostate cancer cells. Cancer Cell 2002,1(2):169-79.

Selected reviews

1. PREVARSKAYA N, Skryma R and Shuba Y. Ion Channels in Cancer: Are Cancer Hallmarks Oncochannelopathies? Physiological Reviews 2018, 98: 559-621.

2. Monteith GR, PREVARSKAYA N, Roberts-Thomson SJ. The calcium-cancer signalling nexus. Nat Rev Cancer. 2017 Jun;17(6):367-380.

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