
Susan Rankin- Selected Publications#

  • The Music of the Medieval Liturgical Drama in France and England, 2 vols (New York and London: Garland, 1989), 321pp + 164 pp
  • (with D. Hiley), ed., Music in the Medieval English Liturgy: Plainsong and Medieval Music Society Centennial Essays (Oxford: OUP, 1993), 413pp; including article ‘Winchester Polyphony: The Early Theory and Practice of Organum’. 59—99
  • (with W. Arlt), ed., Stiftsbibliothek St Gallen Codices 484 & 381, facsimile ed. with commentary, 3 vols (Winterthur: Arnadeus,1996), 329pp (commentary) + 321pp(facs) + 502 pp (facs)

  • `Ego itaque Notker scrtlosf, Revue bénédictine 101 (1991), 268-98 ,
  • ‘Caro1ingian Music’, in Carolingian Culture: Emulation and Innovation, ed. R, McKitterick (Cambridge: CUP, 1993), 274~3l6
  • ‘The Divine Truth of Scripture: Chant in the Roman de Fauvel’, Journal of the American Musicological Society 47 (1994), 203—43
  • ‘From Liturgical Ceremony to Public Ritual: Quem queritis at St Marl<‘s, Venice’, in Da Bisanzio a San Marco. Musica e Liturgia, Quaderni di “Musica e SlO1'l3” 2 , ed. G. Cattin (Venice, 1997), 137-91
  • ‘An Early-Eleventh—Centuiy Missal Fragment copied by Eadwig Basan: Bodleian Library, Ms, Lat. Liturgd.3, fols, 4-5’, Bodleian Library Record 18/3 (2004), 220-252
  • ‘Making the Liturgy: Winchester Scribes and their Books’, in The Liturgy of the late Anglo-Saxon Church, ed. Helen Gittos and M. Bradford Bedingfield, Henry Bradshaw Society sub. 5 (London, 2005), 29-52
  • ‘Natural is concordia vocum cum planetis: Conceptualizing the Harmony of the Spheres in the Early Middle Ages’ in S. Clark and E.E. Leach, eds., Citation and Authority in Medieval and Renaissance Musical Culture: Learningjrom the Learned, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music 4 (Woodbridge, 2005), 3-l 9

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