Manijeh Razeghi - Curriculum Vitae#

Present Position: Walter P. Murphy Professor and Director Center for Quantum Devices, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northwestern University

  • 1980 Docteur d'etat es Sciences Physiques, Universite de Paris, France
  • 1977 Docteur 3eme Cycle, Solid State Physics, Universite de Paris, France
  • 1976 DEA, Science des Materiaux, Universite de Paris, France

Based on her scientific research work, Dr. Razeghi is the author of 20 books and the author of 35 book chapters. She is the author or co-author of more than 1000 papers and has given more than 1000 invited and plenary talks. She holds more than 60 patents.

671 Conferences & Conference Proceedings

22 Books and 745 Books chapter 22

Academic Service:
  • Created the Graduate and Undergraduate Programs in Solid State Engineering (SSE) in the ECE Department at Northwestern University, a 12 course curriculum.
  • Supervised 51 PhD dissertations, 20 MS theses while at Northwestern.
  • Currently supervises approximately 15 PhD students, Post-Docs, Visiting Researchers, and Faculty.

H-Index of 99 (Google Scholar Citation Report).

Institutional and Professional Service:
  • Chair and organizing committee of many international conferences
  • Editorial Board, Applied Physics A, Springer-Verlag
  • Editorial Board, Current Nanoscience, Bentham Science Publishers
  • Editorial Board, Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group
  • Editorial Board, Photonics, MDPI
  • Editorial Board, Laser Research & Applications
  • Editorial Board, Infrared Physics and Technology
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Nanotechnology, Institute of Physics Publishers
  • Editorial Board, jPhys Photonics, Institute of Physics Publishers
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Optoelectronics
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Science, Technology, and Application of Integrated Optics, Kluwer Academic Publishers
  • Editorial Board, Microelectronics Journal
  • Associate Editor, Opto-Electronics Review, Polish Opto-Electronics Committee
  • International Editorial Advisory Board, Opto-Electronics Review, Polish Opto-Electronics Committee
  • International Editorial Advisory Board, The Bulletin PAS (Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • International Advisory Board on Semiconductors, Polish Committee of Science
  • United Nations Expert to Telebras, Brazil
  • International Advisory Board for Sorbonne Paris Cite
  • Panel Chair for the European Research Council's (ERC's) Condensed matter physics program

Professional Society Associations:
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • Fellow American Physical Society (APS)
  • Electrochemical Society
  • French Academy of Sciences and Technology
  • Fellow of International Engineering Consortium (IEC)
  • Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Fellow of Institute of Physics (IOP)
  • Lifetime Fellow Materials Research Society (MRS)
  • Fellow of Optical Society of America (OSA)
  • Fellow of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
  • Fellow and Life Member of Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

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