Carlo Rondinini - Biography#

Carlo Rondinini is Professor of Zoology at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, and has been Visiting Scientist at the University of Southampton, UK, and Professor at the State University of New York, USA. Since 2008 he coordinates the Global Mammal Assessment, with the responsibility to maintain and update the global IUCN Red List for mammals. He authored several global biodiversity assessments for IPBES (Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) and the CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity). He is European Regional Editor of the journal Conservation Biology since 2013, ISI Highly Cited Researcher in Environment and Ecology (2018), member of the Academy of Sciences of the Bologna Institute, and Scientific Advisor of the Rome Bioparco Foundation. He has served as reviewer for top-ranking disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals and for the main European and North American research grants. He is member of national committees for the evaluation of research quality and for the award of professorship habilitations. His research interests include species extinction risk, prioritization of conservation actions, and scenarios of change in wildlife distribution, population dynamics and extinction risk. His main research focus has been on mammals at the global scale.

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