Grzegorz Rozenberg#
The new Handbook on Natural Computing
has appeared (September 2012!)
An excellent Review of above book has appeared in Computing Reviews and can be seen here . Early 2013 another very favorable review appeared .#
An interview with Grzegorz Rozenberg by Cris Calude#
The life of Grzegorz Rozenberg is characterized by diversity - he believes in and lives by interdisciplinarity: his first degree was engineer of electronics, second degree Master of Computer Science, third degree Ph.D. in Mathematics. Besides research in mathematics and core computer science, he also worked for about 40 years intensely with with biologists on problems of information processing in biology which brought him the name of a guru of natural computing.
Art has always been an important part of Grzegorz Rozenberg's life. He is a devoted student of (and perhaps an expert in) the paintings of Jheronimus Bosch.
Grzegorz Rozenberg's favourite contemporary visual artist is DADARA

Grzegorz Rozenberg is a performing magician. He is a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM), the Society of American Magicians (SAM), and the Dutch Union of Magicians (NMU).
The frequent companion of magicians, the owl, also plays an important role in the life of Grzegorz Rozenberg. As a lover and collector of owls, he has a collection of over 2000 owls of all sorts: real stuffed ones, and owls as pieces of art from all over the world.
Picture gallery#
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