
Garry Runciman - Selected publications#

  • ‘Can There Be a Nietzschean Sociology?’ Archives Européennes de Sociologie 41 (2000): 3-21.
  • ‘From Nature to Culture, from Culture to Society’ Proceedings of the British Academy 110 (2001): 235-254.
  • ‘Was Max Weber a Selectionist in Spite of Himself?’ Journal of Classical Sociology 1 (2001): 13-32.
  • ‘The Diffusion of Christianity in the Third Century AD as a Case-Study in the Theory of Cultural Selection’ Archives Européennes de Sociologie 45 (2004): 3-21.
  • ‘Stone Age Sociology’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 11 (2005): 129-142.
  • ‘Culture Does Evolve’ and ‘Rejoinder to Fracchia and Lewontin’ History and Theory 44 (2005): 1-13, 30-41.
  • 'Not Elective but Selective Affinities', Journal of Classical Sociology 5 (2005): 175-187.
  • ‘Puritan American Capitalists and Evolutionary Game Theory’, Max Weber Studies, 5.2 (2005), pp.281-296.
  • ‘The exception that proves the rule? Rome in the Axial Age’, in Eliezer Ben-Rafael and Yitzhak Sternberg (eds.) Comparing Modernities: Pluralism Versus Homogeneity (Boston: Brill, 2005).
  • ‘Cultural Selection, Axiological Reasoning, and Paradiastole’, Archives Européennes de Sociologie 48 (2007),173–189.
  • 'Introduction' to Chris Wickham (ed.) Marxist History-writing for the Twenty-first Century (Oxford University press for the British Academy, 2007).
  • ‘The Two Transitions in the Evolution of Human Sociality’, in Tamás Meleghy, Peter Meyer and Heinz-Jürgen Niedenzu (eds.) The New Evolutionary Social Science: Human Nature, Social Behavior and Social Change (Colorado: Paradigm Publishers, 2008).
  • 'Forgetting the Founders' The Sociological Review Vol. 56, No 3 (2008): 358-369.
  • 'Rejoinder to “Forgetting the Founders?”' Sociological Review Vol. 57, No 2 (2009): 357-59.
  • 'Not Whether but How: a comment on Nettle’s “Beyond Nature Versus Culture”' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 15 (2009): 241-43.

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