
Margarita Salas - Curriculum vitae#

CV in Spanish(info) (Source: http://www.reto2030.eu)

Margarita Salas was born in 1938 in Canero, Spain. She graduated in Chemistry in 1960 and obtained her Ph.D. in Biochemistry in 1963. She carried out postdoctoral work with Professor Severo Ochoa at New York University from 1964 to 1967. She has been Professor of Molecular Genetics (1968-1992) at Madrid Complutense University, and since 1974 she was Professor of Research at the Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa" (Spanish National Research Council-Madrid Autonomous University), that she directed in 1992-1993. Presently, she is Dr. ad honorem of the Spanish National Research Council.

Her main research fields are DNA replication and control of gene expression using the bacterial virus ø29 as a model system. She has published over 350 articles in international journals, lectured about 370 Conferences both in Spain and abroad, and supervised 30 Ph.D. Thesis.

In 1988 she became member of the Spanish Academy of Sciences and in 2003 member of the Spanish Academy of Language. From 1995 till 2003 she was President of the Institute of Spain and from 1999 till 2003, President of the Social Council of Oviedo University. She is also a member of EMBO, Academia Europaea, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea, American Academy of Microbiology, American Academy of Arts and Sciences and foreign member of the US National Academy of Sciences.

She has obtained many prizes and distinctions, among others, Severo Ochoa Prize of Research, Carlos J. Finlay of UNESCO, Rey Jaime I of Research, Mexico Prize of Science and Technology, L'Oréal-UNESCO Prize "Women in Science", National Prize of Research Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Gold Medal of Madrid Community, Honor Medal of Menedez Pelayo International University and Madrid Complutense University and Human Values Prize of the Correo Group. She is Doctor Honoris Causa for the Universities of Oviedo, Madrid Politechnic, Extremadura, Murcia, Cádiz, Rey Juan Carlos and Málaga.

She is member of the External Advisory Board of Oviedo University, of the Institute of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of Cancer (Barcelona) and of the National Center of Cardiovascular Research (Madrid). She is President of Fundación Severo Ochoa and of the Royal Board of the National Library of Spain.

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