Jesus M. Santamaria - Curriculum Vitae#

  • Degree in Chemistry University of La Laguna (Spain), 1981
  • Doctorate (PhD) in Chemical Engineering from the Salford University (UK), 1985

  • Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Zaragoza, since 1990
  • Principal investigator: NFP - Nanostructured Films and Particles, since its creation
  • Dean of the Faculty of Sciences in the University of Zaragoza, 2001 - 2003
  • Director General for Research at the Government of Aragón, 2003 - 2007
  • Deputy Director of the “Instituto Universitario de Nanociencia de Aragón”, 2008 - 2020

  • Postdoctoral stays: Notre Dame University (USA), 1989; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), 2008

Research projects:

Has participated in 95 research projects funded by regional, national and international agencies as well as industries, as PI in most cases. 19 of these were European projects, including two Advanced Grants from the ERC (European Research Council): HECTOR (2011-16) y CADENCE (2017-23).

Research results:
  • 357 publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Of these, 92 were published since 2015, with 93% in Q1 and 77% in D1.
  • 25 patents, 9 of them transferred to, or in shared property with industrial companies
  • Doctoral theses supervised: 34 to date have finished and been awarded the doctor degree. 8 PhD students are presently doing their doctorate under my supervision
  • Other: two textbooks • 2 textbooks “Risk Analysis and Reduction in the Chemical Process Industry”, (1998, Blackie Academic/Chapman and Hall), and “Ingeniería de Reactores”, (translated “Chemical Reaction Engineering”) (1999, Editorial Sintesis)

Scientific recognition:
  • Editor of the journal Chemical Engineering Journal 2000 - 2021
  • Editorial Board: Catalysis Today, 1992-2005 and Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2005 - 2008.
  • Organizer of 5 international conferences (last one: International Conference on Unconventional Catalysis, Reactors and Applications, UCRA, 2019)
  • Member of more of 30 committees of international scientific congresses
  • Over 500 presentations at scientific meetings
  • Of these, 81 times were invitations as plenary or keynote speaker

  • 1981 Extraordinary Prize of Degree, University of La Laguna
  • 2001 Premio 3M a la Innovación Tecnológica
  • 2007 Honeywell-UOP Distinguished Lecturer
  • 2008 Hong Kong Institute of Advanced Studies Distinguished Lecturer
  • 2010 Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of Litoral, Argentina
  • 2011 - 2021 Samca Professorship of Nanotechnology
  • Inaugural conference (Prima Lectio) of the University of Zaragoza, course 2014 - 2015
  • 2019 Elected Academician, Royal Academy of Sciences of the Canary Islands

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