
Sir Peter Scott – Publications#

Complete list of publications(info) (2014)

Major publications#


Peter Scott, The Crisis of the University, London: Croom Helm, 1984

Peter Scott, Knowledge and Nation, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1990

Michael Gibbons, Camille Limoges, Helga Nowotny, Simon Schwartzman, Peter Scott and Martin Trow, The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies, London: Sage 1994 [Japanese translation, Maruzen, Tokyo 1997; Spanish translation, Ediciones Pomares-Corredor, Barcelona 1997] Peter Scott, The Meanings of Mass Higher Education, Buckingham: Open University Press,1995

Catherine Bargh, Peter Scott and David Smith, Governing Universities: Changing the Culture? Buckingham: Open University Press, 1996

Peter Scott (ed.), The Globalization of Higher Education, Buckingham: Open University Press, 1998 [Chinese translation, McGraw-Hill Education (Asia) / Peking University Press, 2012]

Catherine Bargh, Jean Bocock, Peter Scott and David Smith University Leadership: The Role of the Chief Executive, Buckingham: Open University Press, 2000

Helga Nowotny, Peter Scott and Michael Gibbons Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainity, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2001 [Repenser la Science; savoir et société à l’ère de l’incertitude, Paris: Éditions Belin, 2003; Wissenschaft neu denken: Wissen und Öffentlichkeit in eineam Zeitalter Ungewißheit, Velbrück Wissenschaft 2004; Chinese translation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2012]

Lars Engwall and Peter Scott (eds.) Trust in Universities, Wenner-Gren Volume 86, London: Portland Press, 2013 Claire Callender and Peter Scott (eds.) Browne and Beyond: Modernizing English Higher Education, London: Institute of Education Press (Bedford Way Papers), 2013

Peter Scott, Jim Gallacher and Gareth Parry (eds.) ‘’New Languages and Landscapes of Higher Education’’, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017


“The Research Revolution and its Impact on the European University”, in The European Research University: An Historical Parenthesis, eds. by Kjell Blückert, Guy Neave and Thorsten Nybom (International Association of Universities: Issues in Higher Education series), Palgrave, 2006

“The Academic Profession in a Knowledge Society”, in The Formative Years of Scholars, ed. Ulrich Teichler, London: Portland Press (for the Academia Europaea – Wenner-Gren International Series), 2006

“Demographics and Higher Education in the United Kingdom: Today and Some Scenarios for Tomorrow”, in Demographics and Higher Education in Europe – Institutional Perspectives, eds. L Vlăsceanu and L Grünberg, Bucharest / Cluj-Napoca: UNESCO-CEPES / Cluj University Press, 2009

“Markets and New Modes of Knowledge Production”, in The Changing Face of Academic Life: Analytical and Comparative Perspectives, eds. Jürgen Enders and Egbert De Weert, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009

“Access in Higher Education in Europe and North America: Trends and Developments’, in Topical Contributions and Outcomes: UNESCO Forum on Higher Education in the European Region, eds. Jan Sadlak, Kaus Hüfner, Remus Pricopie and Laura Grünberg, Bucharest: Comunicare, 2009

“Higher Education: An Overview”, in Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker and Barry McGaw (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Education (Third Edition), Volume 4, pp 217-228, Oxford: Elsevier, 2010

“Higher Education and the Transformation of Society”, in Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker and Barry McGaw (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Education (Third Edition), Volume 4, pp 370-376, Oxford: Elsevier, 2010

“The University as a Global Institution”, in Handbook on Globalization and Higher Education, eds. Roger King, Simon Marginson and Rajani Naidoo, pp 59-75, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011

“Going Beyond Bologna: Issues and Themes”, in European Higher Education at the Crossroads: Between the Bologna Process and National Reforms, eds. Andrej Curaj, Peter Scott, Lazar Vlasceanu and Lesley Wilson, Dordrecht: Springee, 2012

“Setting the Scene”, in Lars Engwall and Peter Scott (eds.) Trust in Universities, Wenner-Gren Volume 86, pp 1-13, London: Portland Press, 2013

“Trust in Universities, Audit Society, the Media and Markets”, in Lars Engwall and Peter Scott (eds.) Trust in Universities, Wenner-Gren Volume 86, pp 125-133, London: Portland Press, 2013

“Ranking Higher Education Institutions: a critical perspective’, in Marope, Mmantsetsa, Peter Wells and Ellen Halzelkorn (eds.) Ranking ang Accountability in Higher Education: Uses and Misuses, Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2013

“The Coalition Government’s Reform of Higher Education: Policy Formation and Political Process”, in Claire Callender and Peter Scott (eds.) Browne and Beyond: Modernizing English Higher Education, London: Institute of Education Press (Bedford Way Papers), 2013  
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