
Nuria Sebastian Galles - Selected Publications#

1. Santamaria-Garcia, H., Burgaleta M., & Sebastian-Galles N. (2015). Neuroanatomical Markers of Social Hierarchy Recognition in Humans: A Combined ERP/MRI Study. Journal of Neuroscience. 35, 10843–10850

2. *Jin Yu, *Díaz Begoña, *Colomer Marc, and Sebastian-Galles Nuria (2014) Oscillation Encoding of Individual Differences in Speech Perception. Plos One, 9, (IPP (2013) 3.618; citations: 0)

3. *Burgaleta Miguel, *Baus Cristina, *Díaz Begoña, and Sebastian-Galles Nuria (2014) Brain structure is related to speech perception abilities in bilinguals. Brain Structure and Function. 219:1405-1416 (IPP (2013) 3.365; citations: 1)

4. *Santamaria-Garcia Hernando, *Pannunzi Mario, *Ayneto Alba, *Deco Gustavo, and Sebastian-Galles Nuria (2014) ’If you are good, I get better’: The role of social hierarchy in perceptual decision-making. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9:1489-1497 (IPP (2013) 4.653 ; citations: 0 )

5. *Costa Albert, Sebastian-Galles Nuria (2014) How does the bilingual experience sculpt the brain? Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 15:5: 336-345 (IPP (2013) 20.724; citations: 7)

6. *Ventura-Campos Noelia, *Sanjuan Ana, Gonzalez Julio; et al. (2013) Spontaneous Brain Activity Predicts Learning Ability of Foreign Sounds. Journal of Neuroscience, 33:22: 9295-9305. (IPP (2013) 7.058; citations: 13)

7. *Pons Ferran, *Albareda-Castellot Barbara, and Sebastian-Galles Nuria (2012) The interplay between input and initial biases: Asymmetries in vowel perception during the first year of life. Child Development, 83:965-976 (IPP (2013) 5.202 ; citations: 7)

8. Sebastian-Galles Nuria, *Albareda-Castellot Barbara, *Weikum, Whitney M.; et al. (2012)
A Bilingual Advantage in Visual Language Discrimination in Infancy. Psychological Science. 23: 9 : 994-999 (IPP (2013) 5.401; citations: 20)

9. *Ressel Volker, *Pallier Christophe, *Ventura-Campos Noelia; et al. (2012). An Effect of Bilingualism on the Auditory Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 32:47:16597-16601 (IPP (2013) 7.058; citations: 7)

10. *Albareda-Castellot Barbara, *Pons Ferran, Sebastian-Galles Nuria (2011) The acquisition of phonetic categories in bilingual infants: new data from an anticipatory eye movement paradigm. Developmental Science. 14: 2: 395-401. (IPP (2013) 4.533; citations: 31)

11. *Dupoux E, *Peperkamp S, Sebastian-Galles N (2010) Limits on bilingualism revisited: Stress 'deafness' in simultaneous French-Spanish bilinguals. Cognition. 114:2 : 266-275 (IPP (2013) 3.981 ; citations: 23)

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