
Bert Sels - Selected Publications#


Publications (Web of science): 374
Editing of books: 5
Book chapters: 22
Patents: 30 (most granted and 8 licensed to companies)
Invited editor of special issues: 6
Covers: 17 (since 2013: see http://sels-group.eu/)
Editorials: 8 (since 2017)
Plenary, keynote and invited lectures: >100


Number of publications: 374
h-index: 79 (Web of Science)
Average citation per item: 52.56
Total citations: 19 656
Hot Papers in Field: 2 (in the top 0.1% in the field)
Highly Cited in Field: 15 (in the top 1% in the field)

Selections of 6 representative, highly cited papers:

1. A sustainable wood biorefinery for low-carbon footprint chemicals production.Liao, Y., Koelewijn, S-F., Van den Bossche, G., Van Aelst, J., Van den Bosch, S., Renders, T., Navare, K., Nicolai, T., Van Aelst, K., Maesen, M., Matsushima, H., Thevelein, J.M., Van Acker, K., Lagrain, B., Verboekend, D., Sels*, B.F. Science 2020, 367, 1385-1390. (IF 2018: 41.1; Citations 59). Web of Science Highly Cited Paper

2. Direct upstream integration of biogasoline production into current light straight run naphtha petrorefinery processes. Deneyer, A., Peeters, E., Renders, T., Van den Bosch, S., Van Oeckel, N., Ennaert, T., Szarvas, T., Koranyi, T.I., Dusselier, M., Sels*, B.F. Nature Energy 2018, 3, 969-977. (IF 2018: 54; Citations 26). Selected for the Front Cover.

3. The active site of low-temperature methane hydroxylation in iron-containing zeolites. Snyder, B.E R., Vanelderen, P., Bols, M., Hallaert, S., Böttger, L.H., Ungur, L., Pierloot, K., Schoonheydt, R., Sels, B*., Solomon, E.I. Nature, 2016, 536 (7616), Art.No. 10.1038/nature19059, 317-321. doi: 10.1038/nature19059 (citations: 137) (Impact factor: 43.07)

4. Reductive lignocellulose fractionation into soluble lignin-derived phenolic monomers and dimers and processable carbohydrate pulps. Van den Bosch, S.; Schutyser, W.; Vanholme, R.; Driessen, T.; Koelewijn, S. F.; Renders, T.; De Meester, B.; Huijgen, W. J. J.; Dehaen, W.; Courtin, C. M.; Lagrain, B.; Boerjan, W.; Sels*, B. F., Energ. Environ. Sci. 2015, 8, 1748-1763. (IF 2018: 33.3; Citations )358. Web of Science Highly Cited Paper.

5. Shape-selective zeolite catalysis for bioplastics production. Dusselier, M.; Van Wouwe, P.; Dewaele, A.; Jacobs, P. A.; Sels*, B. F., Science 2015, 349, 78-80. (IF 2018: 41.1; Citations 158).

6. Direct catalytic conversion of cellulose to liquid straight-chain alkanes. Op de Beeck, B., Dusselier, M., Geboers, J., Holsbeek, J., Morre, E., Oswald, S., Giebeler, L., Sels, B. (2015).. Energy & Environmental Science, 8 (1), 230-240. doi: 10.1039/C4EE01523A (citations: 138) (Impact factor: 33.25) Open Access

Selection of 4 representative highly cited (invited) guidelines, opinions, perspectives & reviews:

1. Advances in porous and nanoscale catalysts for viable biomass conversion. Sudarsanam, P., Peeters, E., Makshina, E.V., Parvulescu, V.I., Sels*, B.F. Chemical Society Reviews 2019, 48 (8), 2366-2421. doi: 10.1039/c8cs00452h (citations: 116) (Impact factor: 40.44)

2. Functionalised heterogeneous catalysts for sustainable biomass valorisation. Sudarsanam, P., Zhong, R., Van den Bosch, S., Coman, S.M., Parvulescu, V.I., Sels, B.F. Chemical Society Reviews 2018, 47 (22), 8349-8402. doi: 10.1039/c8cs00410b (citations: 148) (Impact factor: 40.44) Open Access

3. Chemicals from lignin: an interplay of lignocellulose fractionation, depolymerisation, and upgrading. Schutyser, W., Renders, T., Van den Bosch, S., Koelewijn, S-F., Beckham, G.T., Sels*, B.F. Chemical Society Reviews. 2018, 47, 852-908 (citations: 555) (IF 2018: 40.4). Web of Science Hot Paper.

4. Lignin-first biomass fractionation: the advent of active stabilisation strategies. Renders, T., Van den Bosch, S., Koelewijn, S., Schutyser, W., Sels*, B. Energy & Environmental Science 2017 10 (7), 1551-1557. (citations: 208) (Impact factor: 33.25)

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