Bernard Silverman - Curriculum vitae#
Full CV
Bernard Silverman's recent and current research is in a range of areas in theoretical, computational and applied statistics. Particular recent examples include the use of methods of functional data analysis in neuroscience, wavelet and empirical Bayes methods in genomics research, and approaches to the muliresolution analysis of function and image deformations. His current research appointments involve greater engagement with human genetics and with issues around climate change.
- 1970-73 Undergraduate, Jesus College, Cambridge.
- 1973-74 Graduate Student, Jesus College, Cambridge.
- 1974-75 Research Student, Statistical Laboratory, Cambridge.
- 1975-77 Research Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge.
- 1976-77 Calculator Development Manager, Sinclair Radionics Ltd.
- 1977-78 Junior Lecturer in Statistics, Oxford University and
- 1977-78 Weir Junior Research Fellow of University College, Oxford.
- 1978-80 Lecturer in Statistics, University of Bath.
- 1981-84 Reader in Statistics, University of Bath.
- 1984 & 1992-93 Head of Statistics Group, University of Bath.
- 1984-93 Professor of Statistics, University of Bath.
- 1988-91 Head of School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath.
- 1993-2003 Professor of Statistics, University of Bristol
- 1993-97 & 1998-99 Head of Statistics Group, University of Bristol
- 1999-2003 Henry Overton Wills Professor of Mathematics, University of Bristol
- 2000-03 Provost of the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Bristol
- 2003-09 Master of St Peter’s College, Oxford
- 2003- Titular Professor of Statistics and member of the Department of Statistics, University of Oxford
- 2009- Senior Research Fellow, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, Oxford
- 2010- Professorial Research Associate, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford
- 2010- Associate Fellow, Green Templeton College, Oxford1
- From 1 April 2010: Chief Scientific Adviser to the Home Office
Degrees and qualifications
- 1973 Bachelor of Arts, Cambridge. (Wrangler)
- 1974 Part III of Mathematical Tripos, Cambridge (with Distinction)
- 1977 Doctor of Philosophy, Cambridge
- 1989 Doctor of Science, Cambridge
- 1993 Chartered Statistician, Royal Statistical Society
- 2000 Bachelor of Theology, Southampton (First Class Honours)
Awards and honours
- 1970 First Prize, International Mathematical Olympiad
- 1974 Mayhew Prize for Mathematical Tripos Part III, Cambridge
- 1976 Smith's Prize, Cambridge University
- 1984 Royal Statistical Society Guy Medal in Bronze
- 1985 Special Invited Paper, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- 1988 Technometrics Special Discussion Paper, American Statistical Association
- 1991 Presidents' Award of American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Biometric Society (ENAR and WNAR) and Statistical Society of Canada for 'the outstanding statistician under forty' (the COPSS award)
- 1993 Fulkerson Lecturer, Cornell University
- 1995 Royal Statistical Society Guy Medal in Silver
- 1997 Fellow of the Royal Society
- 1999 Special Invited Paper*, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- 1999 Henri Willem Methorst Medal, International Statistical Institute
- 2000 Corcoran Lecturer, Oxford University
- 2001 Member of Academia Europaea
- 2002 Original Member, Highly Cited Researchers database, ISI® 4
- 2003 Honorary Fellow, Jesus College, Cambridge
Visiting appointments outside UK
- 1978 & 1979 Department of Statistics, Princeton University
- 1979 University of Paris VI
- 1980 Sonderforschungsbereich 123, University of Heidelberg
- 1981 Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin--Madison
- 1981 Department of Statistics, Johns Hopkins University
- 1984 Depts of Statistics and Biostatistics, University of Washington
- 1984 University of Frankfurt
- 1985 University of California, San Diego
- 1985 CSIRO Division of Mathematics and Statistics, Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth
- 1987- Department of Statistics, Stanford University
- 1991 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley
- 1997-98 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California
Almost all of these appointments were with some pay and were for periods of 1-3 months in each year shown. The Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study was for the academic year. I have been a frequent visitor (on average for two months every alternate year) to the Department of Statistics at Stanford since 1987.
Major Professional Activities
Royal Society: FRS (1997). Council Member (2009-10). Working Group on the State of the Nation in the teaching of Science and Mathematics (2007- ; now Chair). Wolfson Merit Awards Committee (2006-09). Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships Committee A (1999-2004 ; chair 2003). Sectional Committee 1 (1998-2001, Chair 2001). Conference Grants Committee (1998-2001). Research Grants Committee A (1997-2000, Chair 1999-2000). Exhibitor, New Frontiers in Science Exhibition, 1999. Organizer, Discussion Meetings, 1988 & 1999.
Institute of Mathematical Statistics: President, 2000-01. Fellow (1987). Council (1991- 94; 1997-2000; 2007-10.). Special Invited Papers Committee (1986-88). COPSS award nominating committee (Member 1995-97, Chair 1997). Editor, Annals of Statistics (2007-09). Many committees and working parties.
Royal Statistical Society: President (2010). Honorary Secretary (1984-90). Council Member (1982-90). Research Section Committee (1979-82), and numerous other committees and working parties, in particular the 1990 Working Party on Official Statistics. Chair of Research Section (1991-93). 1994/95 Publications review.
International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society: Fellow of ISI (1986). Bernoulli Society European Regional Committee (member 1986-92, chair 1988-90). Bernoulli Society Council (1999-2003). Founding organizer of European Young Statisticians’ meeting, 1979.
Editorial work: Editor of Oxford University Press Statistical Science Series (1983-87). Associate Editor, Annals of Statistics (1982-85), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (1980-84). Editor of International Statistical Review (1991-96). Editor of Chapman and Hall Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability (1985-97) and Interdisciplinary Statistics Series (1993-97). Editor of Wiley Statistics Series (1997-2001). Editorial Board member of Inverse Problems (1998-2000). Editor of IMS Bulletin (2002-06). Editor of Cambridge University Press Statistics series (2003- ). Editor, Annals of Statistics (2007-09). External examining and assessment: Very wide portfolio of external examining at undergraduate, graduate and PhD level; external assessor for academic promotions in many universities. [Worldwide in both cases.]
National and international research administration: SERC Statistics Panel (1990-94). Frequent reviewer for (US) National Science Foundation, NSERC (Canada), Australian Research Council, etc. EPSRC Mathematics College (1994-97 & 2000-03). Frequent member and chair of grant awarding panels for EPSRC. Member of Scientific Committee, EURANDOM, Netherlands (1997-2003). Member of Statistics Research Assessment Panel for HEFCE 2001 Research Assessment Exercise. Scientific Steering Committee member, Isaac Newton Institute, 2003-6. Steering Group member, International Review of UK Mathematics, 2003-4. Chair, Subpanel 22 (Statistics) and Member, Panel F (Mathematics), HEFCE Research Assessment Exercise 2008.
Mathematics related activities: Patron, Royal Institution Wessex Mathematics Master Classes. Chair, Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom (2003-06). Chair, United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (2004-10).
External consultancy and related work: Industrial consultancies in statistics, microelectronics and mathematics for companies concerned with stockbroking, calculator and computer design, aerospace, oil exploration, advertising, railway signalling. A method designed for oil-well log interpretation was patented by the company involved. Consultancy on statistical aspects of legal cases (especially financial and forensic). Statistical advice to the press. Advice to police in criminal cases. Substantial long-term consultancies with Nuclear Electric, National Audit Office, Ministry of Defence, Agilent Technologies, Mass Spec Analytical Ltd. Radio and television programmes on statistics. Interviews with press and radio. Advisory Board, Statistics Department, Carnegie-Mellon University (member 2002, academic chair 2006) and National University of Singapore (2010).
Work for UK Government: GM Science Review Panel, 2002-3. Owner's Advisory Board member (non-executive director) Defence Analytical Services Agency (1998-2009). Consultant to the Statistics Commission, 2003. Consultant to UK Government Inquiry (the “Lessons Learned” Inquiry) into Foot and Mouth Epidemic, 2002. Chair, Peer Review Panel on the Project for the Sustainable Development of Heathrow, 2005-06.
Oxford University Committees: Council (2007-10). Educational Policy and Standards Committee (2007-8). Planning and Resource Allocation Committee. (2008-10), and member of Budget Subcommittee. Joint Resource Allocation Advisory Board (representing Chair of Conference of Colleges) 2008-09 . Supervisory Committee for Permanent Private Halls (2007-10 ). Chair of Continuing Education Board (and of associated subcommittees) (2008- 10). Nominating committee for external members of Council (2008-10). Frequent review panels (eg Department of Mathematics, Oxford Internet Institute) and appointment panels (for both professorial and senior administrative appointments). ICT strategy steering group (representing Conference of Colleges), 2005-06. Distinctions Committee (Merit awards for established professors) 2006-08.
Last updated: April 2010