
Curriculum Vitae#

Short CV
Rosanna Sornicola

Rosanna Sornicola is Professor of General Linguistics at the University of Naples “Federico II”. After her degree in Naples she spent research periods in England and in the United States. She has been Visiting Fellow at Wolfson College in Cambridge in 1983 and has been a Senior Member of the College since 2001.
Her research interests include syntactic linguistic typology (synchronic and diachronic), the theory of language variation and change, Romance etymology, the description of Romance dialects with special regard to Southern Italy, the relationship between written and spoken language, multilingualism and multidialectalism in the European context, the history of Functionalism in European linguistics.

Works in international projects and research groups:
1992-2002, EUROTYP project of the European Science Foundation for the study of the typology of European languages;
1993-2005, DIA- project for the integrated study of language variation and change, directed by Eugenio Coseriu;
1994-2006, ALCAM – ADICA project for the variationist study of the dialects of Campania, in collaboration with the University of Heidelberg.
2003-2005, Director of the Section Spoken Discourse of the International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Second Edition (London & New York, Elsevier, 2006).
2012-2013, Director of a research project on the bilingualism of Italian migrants in England and Belgium, in collaboration with Cambridge University and Université de Liège.
2015-2018, PaLaFra project “Le passage du latin au français: constitution et analyse d’un corpus numérique latino-français”, CNRS (France) e DFG (Germany).

Works in National Research projects:
She directed research groups at the University of Naples “Federico II” in collaboration with other Italian universities for projects of relevant national interest financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research:
2001-2003, “Lingua nazionale e dialetti in Italia all'inizio del nuovo millennio” (with the Universities of Turin and Rome Sapienza);
2008, “Models of Multiculturalism in the history of Roman Law: Bilingualism in Ancient World” (with the Universities of Messina and Palermo);
2010-2011, “The forms of discourse in Roman Law” (with the Universities of Rome Sapienza, Palermo, Florence and others).

Works in projects for the Regione Campania with European financing:
She directed a research group for the project 2007-2013 “A digital Sociolinguistics Archive of Campania”.
She promoted and managed the exhibition “Piccole isole, mondi globali – Small Islands, Global Worlds”, London 8th-22nd December 2007, at the Italian Cultural Institute in London; Edimburgh 15th February-31st May 2008, at the Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh; Stuttgart and Heidelberg 25th October-30th November 2008.
Director of the project of Digital Ethnographic and Linguistic Museums of Campania.

(1999-2003) President of the Italian Society of Linguistics
Member of the Council of the following international scientific societies:
Société de Linguistique et Philologie Romane 2007-2011,
Philological Society of London, 2011-2014.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Centre of Sicilian Philological and Linguistic Studies, Palermo (2014- )
Member of the Scientific Council of the Atlante Linguistico Mediterraneo (2016- )

Member of the Editorial Board of the journals Lingue e linguaggi (Il Mulino) and Linguistica (University of Ljubljana).

Member of Accademia Pontaniana of Naples, and of the National Society of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Naples.

Before teaching in Naples, she was professor at the Universities of Palermo, Basilicata, Calabria.
She was Visiting Professor in the Universities of California at Los Angeles (Spring term 1990), Gand, (1997), Girona (1998).
She was guest lecturer in Romance Linguistics at the Oxford-Kobe Institution (March-April 2008).
She has held seminars and lectures in many European universities.
Director at the University of Naples Federico II of the European Master’s Degree in Linguistics, financed by European Union on an Erasmus network headquartered at Manchester University.

She has published circa 170 items (papers in international journals and volumes, and chapters in books published by Italian and international publishers).

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