
Nicola Spaldin - Publications#


Magnetic Materials (2nd Edition) Cambridge University Press (2010). ISBN- 13:9780511796166 (Adobe eBook Reader), ISBN-13:9780521886697 (hardback).

Selected Journal Publications (~200 Total, ~47,500 Citations, h index = 85):

Analogy between the magnetic dipole moment at the surface of a magnetoelectric and the electric charge at the surface of a ferroelectric, N.~A.\ Spaldin, JETP 159, 4 (Russian version); arXiv 2011.14351 (English version) (2021).

Multiferroic quantum criticality, A. Narayan, A. Cano, A. V. Balatsky and N. A. Spaldin, Nature Materials 18, 223 (2019)

Search for the magnetic monopole at a magnetoelectric surface, Q. N. Meier, M. Fechner, T. Nozaki, M. Sahashi, Z. Salman, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, P. Schoenherr, M. Lilienblum, P. Borisov, I. E. Dzyaloshinskii, M. Fiebig, H. Luetkens, and N. A. Spaldin, Phys. Rev. X 9, 011011 (2019).

Advances in magnetoelectric multiferroics, N. A. Spaldin and R. Ramesh, Nature Materials 18, 203 (2019).

Dynamical multiferroicity, D. M. Juraschek, M. Fechner, A. V. Balatsky and N. A. Spaldin, Phys. Rev. Materials 1, 014401 (2017).

Ultrafast structure switching through nonlinear phononics, D. M. Juraschek, M. Fechner, N. A. Spaldin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 054101 (2017).

A multiferroic material to search for the permanent electric dipole moment of the electron, K. Z. Rushchanskii, S. Kamba, V. Goian, P. Vanek, M. Savinov, J. Prokleska, D. Nuzhnyy, K. Knizek, F. Laufek, S. Eckel, S. K. Lamoreaux, A. O. Sushkov, M. Lezaic and N. A. Spaldin, Nature Materials 9, 649 (2010).

Origin of the dielectric dead layer in nanoscale capacitors, M. Stengel and N. A. Spaldin, Nature 443, 679 (2006).

The origin of ferroelectricity in magnetoelectric YMnO3, B. B. Van Aken, T. T. M. Palstra, A. Filippetti and N. A. Spaldin, Nature Materials 3, 164 (2004).

Why are there so few magnetic ferroelectrics?, N. A. Hill, J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 6694 (2000).

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