Gerhard Speckbacher - Curriculum Vitae#

  • 1996 Habilitation Degree in Economics (Dr. habil.)
  • 1992 PhD in Economics (Dr. rer. pol., University of Ulm)
    Thesis: Intergenerational Justice and Sustainable Public Pension Schemes – An Overlapping Generations Model with Production
  • 1990 - 1993 Studies in Philosophy (Humboldt Studienzentrum, University of Ulm)
  • 1990 Diploma/MSc in Mathematics/Mathematical Economics (Dipl. Math. oec., University of Ulm)

Current positions:
  • Since 2000 Full Professor for Strategy and Managerial Accounting, Institute for Strategy and Managerial Accounting, WU Vienna
  • Since 2005 Head of Department, Department of Strategy and Innovation, WU Vienna
  • Since 2008 Academic Director of WU Center of Excellence

Invited Keynote Speaker (recent):
  • Creativity Research in Accounting. Opening Keynote at Performance Measurement Association Australasia (PMAA), Queenstown, New Zealand, 2019
  • Leadership Research and Management Accounting. Keynote EIASM Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, France 2019.
  • Value Creation and Value Capture in Nonprofits. Invited Keynote at International Symposium of Philanthropy and Commerce, Renmin Univ. Beijing, China 2018.
  • Creativity. Opening Keynote at the Annual Conference of the Australian Academy of Business Leadership, Los Angeles, USA 2017.

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