
Herbert Spohn - Selected Publications#

Ca. 280 publications in peer-reviewed journals
Ca. 22000 citations according to Google Scholar

H. Spohn, Large Scale Dynamics of Interacting Particles, 342 pages, Texts and Monographs in Physics, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 1991

H. Spohn, Dynamics of Charged Particles and Their Radiation Field, 360 pages, Cambridge University Press, 2004

J.L. Lebowitz and H. Spohn, A Gallavotti-Cohen type fluctuation theorem for stochastic dynamics, Journal of Statistical Physics 95, 333-365 (1999)

G. Panati, H. Spohn, and S. Teufel, Space-adiabatic perturbation theory, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 7, 145-204 (2003)

P.L. Ferrari, and H. Spohn, Scaling limit for the space-time covariance of the stationary totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, Communications in Mathematical Physics 265, 1- 44 (2006)

T. Sasamoto and H. Spohn, The one-dimensional KPZ equation: an exact solution and its universality, Physical Review Letters 104, 230602 (2010)

J. Lukkarinen and H. Spohn, Weakly nonlinear Schroedinger equation with random initial data, Inventiones Mathematicae 183, 79-188 (2011)

H. Spohn, Nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics for anharmonic chains, Journal of Statistical Physics 154, 1191-1227 (2014)

C. Mendl and H. Spohn, Searching for the Tracy-Widom distribution in nonequilibrium processes, Physical Review E 93, 060101(R) (2016).

T. Weiss, P.L. Ferrari, and H. Spohn, Reflected Brownian Motions in the KPZ Universality Class, 125 pages, Springer Briefs in Mathematical Physics, 2017

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