Robert Stockhammer - Biography#

Robert Stockhammer, Ph. D. Professor of Comparative Literature at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. Having pursued studies in Comparative Literature and other Humanities, he received his Ph. D. in 1989 (Leseerzählungen. Alternativen zum hermeneutischen Verfahren. Stuttgart: Metzler, M&P Verlag 1991), and his Habilitation in 1998 (Zaubertexte. Die Wiederkehr der Magie und die Literatur, 1880-1945. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2000).

Other monographical studies deal with the conditions of writing about the genocide in Rwanda (Ruanda. Über einen anderen Genozid schreiben, Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp 2005) and with the relationship of literature to cartography (Kartierung der Erde. Macht und Lust in Karten und Literatur, Munich: Fink 2007).

He is (Co-)Editor of nine volumes (among others: Grenzwerte des Ästhetischen, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp 2002, and TopoGraphien der Moderne. Medien zur Repräsentation und Konstruktion von Räumen, München: Fink 2005) and has published articles on German, English, French and Greek literature, as well as on several other writing phenomena. Since 2012, he acts as speaker of the DFG-Research Training Group Globalization and Literature.
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