Marko Tadic#
Long CV

Academic degrees:
- B.S. 1976, University of Zagreb
- M.S. 1979, University of Zagreb
- Ph.D. 1980, University of Zagreb
Professional experience at the University of Zagreb:
- 1976-1983, Instructor, University of Zagreb
- 1983-1986, Assistant Professor, University of Zagreb
- 1986-1987, Associate Professor, University of Zagreb
- 1987 - , Professor, University of Zagreb
Visiting positions:
- 1983 Summer, Visitor, University of Chicago
- 1983 November, Visitor, Université Paris VII
- 1984-1985, Researcher, Max-Planck-Institute für Mathematik, Bonn
- 1986 Summer, Visiting Professor, University of Chicago
- 1987 Summer, Visiting Professor, Université Paris-Orsay
- 1988 September/October, Visiting Professor*, University of Chicago
- 1989-1990, Visiting Professor, University of Utah
- 1992 February, Visiting Professor, University of Chicago
- 1992-1994, Guest, Sonderforschungsbereich 170, Geometrie und Analysis, Göttingen
- 1995 August/September, Guest, Sonderforschungsbereich 170, Geometrie und Analysis, Göttingen
- 1996 Summer semester, Guest, Mathematisches Institut Der Universität, Münster
- 1996 November/December, Visiting Professor, University of Chicago
- 1997 March and April, Visiting Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- 1997 June, Visiting Professor, Université Denis Diderot - Paris 7
- 2000 January/February, Guest, Sonderforschungsbereich 478, Geometrische Strukturen, Münster
- 2001-2002, Visiting Professor, University of Utah
- 2002 August, Senior Member at Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NUS, Singapore
- 2003 May, Visiting professor at Université Denis Diderot - Paris 7
- 2005 February and March, Visiting Scholar, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- 2008 February and March, Visiting Scholar, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Full member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2000- )
- Member of Academia Europaea (2000- )
- Prize "Rudjer Bošković" 1989 (the highest annual prize for natural sciences in Croatia)
Additional information:
- Editor in chief of "Glasnik Matematički" (1998-2001)
Department Duties:
- 1983-1984, 1986-1989, 1990-1992 and 1996-2000, 2003-2005, Head of the Division for Algebra and Logic (Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb)
- 1994-2000, Director of Graduate Study (Mathematics, University of Zagreb)
Research Interest:
Representation theory of reductive groups, in particular over p-adic fields, and interaction of this theory with the modern theory of automorphic forms (through Langlands program).
Invited Lectures
- November, 1981, Speaker at the conference "Functional Analysis", International center for graduate studies Dubrovnik, Croatia
- November 1982, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
- July 1983, 2 talks at "Seminar on p-adic groups", University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
- November 1983, 2 talks at "Séminaire sur les groupes réductifs sur corps local", Université Paris VII, Paris, France
- November 1984, Speaker at the conference "Arithmetique et analyse harmonique", Université Paris VII, Paris, France
- December 1984, Max-Planck-Institute für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany
- February 1985, Speaker at the conference "Enveloping algebras of Lie algebras", Oberwolfach, Germany
- March 1985, Seminar "Modular forms lunch", Max-Planck-Instute für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany
- June 1985, Lecture at "Séminarie sur less groupes réductifs sur corps local", Université Paris VII, Paris, France
- November 1985, 3 talks at the conference "Functional analysis", International center for postgraduate studies, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- April 1986, Speaker at the conference "Algebraic groups and representation theory", Mathematisches Institut der Universität, Göttingen, Germany
- July 1986, 2 talks at the Seminar on representation theory, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
- July 1986, Speaker at the "United States-France conference on P-adic groups", University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
- August 1986, Speaker at the AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference "Representation Theory of Lie Groups", University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, USA
- October 1986, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
- July 1987, Lecture at the special period "Orbites unipotentes, répresentations des groupes finites, réels et p-adiques et répresentations des algebras de Hecke", Université Paris VII and Université Paris- Orsay, Paris, France
- February 1988, Lecture at Seminar on representation theory, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
- February 1988, 2 talks at "Workshop on p-adic groups with applications to automorphic forms", Mathematical Science Research Institute, Berkeley, USA
- September 1988, 2 talks at the Seminar on representation theory, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
- October 1988, Lecture at the Seminar on representation theory, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
- December 1988, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
- August 1989, Speaker at the conference "Harmonic analysis on reductive groups", Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, USA
- November 1989, Colloquium and seminar talk at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA
- November 1989, Colloquium at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
- July 1991, Course of 8 lectures at the European School of Group Theory, C.I.R.M. Luminy-Marseille, France
- February 1992, 2 talks at the Representation theory seminar, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
- February 1992, Colloquium at the Yale University, New Haven, USA
- February 1992, Lecture at the Seminar on representation theory, University of Purdue, West Lafayete, USA
- March 1992, Lecture at the Seminar on representation theory, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
- November 1992, Lecture at mini conference on the representation theory of p-adic reductive groups, Mathematisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany.
- June 1993, Colloquium at Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, Germany
- July 1993, Lecture at Mathematical Seminar of the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
- October 1993, Colloquium at Mathematisches Institut der Universität, Göttingen, Germany
- February 1994, Lecture at the conference "Representation theory of locally compact groups", Oberwolfach, Germany
- April 1994, Lecture at Institut de mathématiques, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
- July 1994, Speaker at Colloque \Representations des groupes réductifs p-adiques", C.I.R.M. Luminy-Marseille, France
- June 1995, Lecture at the conference to mark the end of the SFB 170 "Geometrie und Analysis", Mathematisches Institut der Universität, Göttingen, Germany
- June 1996, Lecture at Seminar des Graduirtenkollegs, Mathematisches Institut Der Universität, Münster, Germany
- July 1996, Lecture at "The First Croatian Mathematical Congress", Zagreb, Croatia
- December 1996, Lecture at the seminar "Representations of p-adic groups", University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
- March 1997, Colloquium, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
- June 1997, Lecture at "Seminaire sur les Algebres Enveloppantes", Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, Paris, France
- June 1997, Lecture at "Colloque Théorie des Groupes - Journées Solstice d'été", Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France
- July 1997, Lecture at University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
- July 1997, Lecture at AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference "Representation theory of reductive groups", University of Washington, Seattle, USA
- September 1997, Lecture at the conference "Functional Analysis", International center for graduate studies Dubrovnik, Croatia
- June 1998, Lecture at the conference "Représentations du groupe p-adique Sp(4)", C.I.R.M. Marseille-Luminy, France
- November 1998, Seminar talk at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
- September 1999, Lecture at the conference "Functional Analysis", International center for graduate studies Dubrovnik, Croatia
- January 2000, Lecture at Seminar des Graduirtenkollegs, Mathematisches Institut Der Universität, Münster, Germany
- March 2000, Lecture at the conference "Automorphic forms and representation theory", Oberwolfach, Germany
- June 2000, Lecture at the conference "Mid-West Conference on Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms", University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
- November 2001, Lecture at the conference "Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory of p-adic Groups", Banff Center, Canada
- June 2002, Lecture at the conference "Fonctorialité de Langlands: progrès récents", C.I.R.M. Marseille-Luminy, France
- August 2002, Lecture and course of 10 lectures during the program "Representation Theory of Lie Groups", Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NUS, Singapore
- February 2003, Seminar talk at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
- February 2003, Colloquium, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
- May 2003, Seminar talk at Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France
- May 2003, Seminar talk at Université Denis Diderot - Paris 7, Paris, France
- June 2003, Lecture at the conference "Functional analysis", International center for postgraduate studies, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- December 2003, Three seminar talks at University of Minnesota, Mineapolis, USA
- April 2004, Seminar talk at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
- June 2004, Plenary lecture at the Third Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, Croatia
- August 2004, Lecture at the conference "International Symposium on Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis", Urumqi, China
- December 2004, Lecture at the Workshop on Represenation Theory, Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
- May 2006, Lecture at the Workshop "Automorphic forms and L-functions" (on occasion of 60-th birthday of S. Gelbart), Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
- May 2006, Lecture at the seminar, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany
- September 2006, Lecture at the seminar, Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
- December 2006, Lecture at the Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
- September 2007, Colloquium, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
- September/October 2007, Minicourse of 4 lectures at The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
- October 2007, Lecture at the Workshop "Spectra of arithmetic groups", Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
- December 2007, Lecture at "Seminaire Groupes Reductifs et Formes Automorphes", Université Denis Diderot - Paris VII, Paris, France
- February/March 2008, Minicourse of 4 lectures at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
- December 2008, Three lectures at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
- January 2009, Lecture at Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
- January 2009, Lecture at the workshop "Representation theory of reductive groups - local and global aspects", Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
- September 2009, Lecture at the conference "Geometry and Analysis of Automorphic Forms of Several Variables", University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan