
Sergei Tatevosov - Curriculum Vitae#

  • Head, Prof. of Linguistics, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

Education and degrees received
  • MSU, 2010, Habilitation (Dr. of Sciences) in Philology (diss. in Russian: Actionality in lexicon and grammar)
  • MSU, 1993 - 1997, Ph.D. (Cand. of Sciences) in Philology (diss. in Russian: A typological perspective on quantification in natural language: universal quantifiers)
  • MSU, 1989 - 1993, Diploma in Linguistics with honors

Research interests:

Formal semantics, syn-sem interface; ling. typology; theoretical morphology; tense & aspect, actionality, evidentiality; argument structure, (anti)causativization; Turkic, Mongolic, Nakh-Daghestanian, and Uralic languages

Summary of academic career since 2000
  • 2017 - present Head, Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, MSU (=DTAL)
  • 2014 - 2017 March: Prof. of Linguistics at DTAL
  • 2010, Nov. - 2011, May: Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT
  • 2002 - 2014 Assoc. Prof. of Linguistics at DTAL
  • 2000 - 2002 Asst. Prof. of Linguistics at DTAL


Graduate and undergraduate courses at DTAL: Theoretical Morphology, Theoretical Semantics, Formal Semantics, Morphology of Russian, Linguistic Interfaces, Formal Approaches to Russian, Theory of Aspect and Actionality, Buriat in a Typological Perspective, Syntax and Semantics of Turkic languages; at summer schools and institutes: Crete Summer School of Linguistics (2019, 2020), NY—SPb. Inst. of Linguistics, Cognition and Culture (2012-2019), LSA Linguistic Institute (2015)

Supervised theses: 3 Ph.D., 9 M.A., 10 B.A, about 20 "diploma papers"

Awards and grants
  • 2019 - 2020 MSU Award for Outstanding Scientific Schools
  • 2019 - 2021 Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) “Syntax and semantics of Uralic and Altaic languages: converging functional-typological and formal perspectives”
  • 2018 Prof. of the Russian Acad. of Sciences
  • 2016 - 2018 Russian Sci.Found. “Four Grammars of the Languages of Multilingual Russia”
  • 2007 MSU Award for Young Scholars
  • 2004 - 2017 Russian Found. for Basic Research, five research grants2002-2009: Russian Found. for the Humanities, two research grants
  • 1999 Assn. for Ling. Typology Greenberg Award for the best Ph.D thesis in ling. typology
  • 1999 - 2000 Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Foundation “Evidentiality in Nakh-Daghestanian languages in a typological perspective”


As a reviewer: for Vopr. jazykoznanija, Ling. Inquiry, Morphology, Linguistics, Ling. Typology, J. of Semantics, J. of Slavic Ling., Natural Language and Ling. Theory, Lingua, J. of Linguistics, Scando-Slavica; for conferences: Formal Approaches to Slavic Ling., Formal Description of Slavic Languages, Workshop on Altaic Formal Ling.

As a conference organizer: MSU Conference on Indigenous languages (2018, 2020), Formal Approaches to Russian Ling. (2013, 2017, 2019), Workshop on Altaic Formal Ling. (2006, 2019), Conference of Societas Caucasologica Europeae (2002), Workshop on deverbal derivation, 2005.

Fieldwork expertise: DTAL linguistic expeditions: investigator (1990-1998), principal investigator (1999-curr.)

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