Indira Tendolkar - Biography#

Indira Tendolkar was broadly trained as a neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist in Switzerland and Germany. IT also received a thorough neuroscientific training at the Leibniy Institute of Magdeburg University and the Department of Psychology at the University of St. Andrews. IT dedicated her habilitation at the department of psychiatry at the University Medical Center of Cologne to the identification of the neural correlates of episodic memory and schizophrenia. Sheis focusing on adaptation and maladaptation in memory and learning applying methods such as neuroimaging, electrophysiology and non-invasive neuromodulation. Over the years she has developed a conceptual model of enhanced emotional memory processes. IT has linked this to understanding maladaptive learning processes in key risk factors such as early adverse experiences for the development of depression, anxiety and addiction with the ultimate goal to understand the pathophysiology and thus to enable mechanistic treatment. By these means she has been able to identify negative memory bias as a transdiagnostic marker of depression and consequently worked on cognitive modulation options mastering the full range of proof of concept interventions with non-invasive neuromodulations to full blown randomized control trials in depression. Examples include application of electroconvulsive therapy as a modifier for reconsolidation of traumatic experiences or using new e-health techniques as add-on treatment of depression and neurocognitive disorders. The clear research focus of her interdisciplinary team has led to substantial international visibility and esteem as is evident not only from her editorial and committee work but also from the contribution to many books and other scientific output for the scientific community. In sum IT pushes research forward up to clinical application inspires young physicians to strive for an academic career.

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