
Jean Paul Thiery - Selected publications#

  • Thiery, J.P., Brackenbury, R., Rutishauser, U. and Edelman, G.M. (1977). Adhesion among neural cells of the chick embryo. II. Purification and characterization of a cell adhesion molecule from neural retina. J. Biol. Chem. 252, 6841-6845.
  • Edelman, G.M., Gallin, W., Delouvée, A,.Cunningham, B.A. and Thiery, J.P. (1983). Early epochal maps of two different cell adhesion molecules. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 80, 4384-4388.
  • Champion, S., Imhof, B.A., Savagner, P. and Thiery, J.P. (1986). The embryonic thymus produces chemotactic peptides involved in the homing of hemopoietic precursors. Cell 44, 781-790.
  • Boyer, B., Tucker, G.C., Vallés, A.M., Franke, W.W. and Thiery, J.P. (1989). Rearrangements of desmosomal and cytoskeletal proteins during the transition from epithelial to fibroblastoid organization in cultured rat bladder carcinoma cells. J. Cell. Biol. 109, 1495-1509.
  • Cappellen, D., De Oliveira, C., Ricol, D., Gil-Diez de Medina, S., Bourdin, J., Sastre-Garau, X., Chopin, D.K., Thiery, J.P. and Radvanyi, F. (1999). Frequent activating mutations of FGFR3 in human bladder and cervix carcinomas. Nat. Genet. 23, 18-20.
  • Thiery, J.P. (2002) Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in tumor progression. Nature Reviews Cancer, 2 : 442-454.
  • Taddei I, Deugnier MA, Faraldo MM, Petit V, Bouvard D, Medina D, Fässler R,Thiery, JP and Glukhova MA.(2008) β1 Integrin deletion from the basal compartment of the mammary epithelium affects stem cells. Nat Cell Biol 10: 716-722.
  • Bollet MA, Servant N., Neuvial P., Decraene C., Lebigot I., Meyniel JP., De Rycke Y., Savignoni A., Rigaill G., Fourquet A., Sigal-Safrani B.,Barillot E., Thiery, JP (2008) High resolution mapping of DNA breakpoints to define true recurrences among ipsilateral breast cancers. J. Natl. Cancer. Inst. 100:48-58.
  • Breau MA, Pietri T, Stemmler MP, Thiery JP , Weston JA. (2008) A nonneural epithelial domain of embryonic cranial neural folds gives rise to ectomesenchyme. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105: 7750-5.
  • Thiery, JP, Acloque H, Huang YJH and Nieto A. (2009) Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in development and disease. Cell 139: 871-890.
  • Toh B., X. Wang, J. Keeble, W. J. Sim ,K. Khoo,M. Kato, A. Prevost-Blondel J.P. Thiery and J.P. Abastado.(2011) Mesenchymal transition and dissemination of cancer cells is driven by myeloid-derived suppressor cells infiltrating the primary tumor. PloS Biology e1001162. Epub 2011 Sep 27.
  • Akalay I, Janji B, Hasmim M, Noman MZ, André F, De Cremoux P, Bertheau P, Badoual C, Vielh P, Larsen AK, Sabbah M, Tan TZ, Keira JH, Hung NT, Thiery JP, Mami-Chouaib F, Chouaib S. (2013) Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and autophagy induction in breast carcinoma promote escape from T-cell-mediated lysis. Cancer Res. 73: 2418-27.
  • Bidard FC, Pierga JY, Soria JC, Thiery JP. (2013) Translating metastasis-related biomarkers to the clinic--progress and pitfalls. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 10: 169-79.
  • Engl W, Arasi B, Yap LL, Thiery JP, Viasnoff V. (2014) Actin dynamics modulate mechanosensitive immobilization of E-cadherin at adherens junctions. Nat Cell Biol. Epub 2014 May 25. 16: 587-94.
Tan TZ, Miow QH Miki Y, Matsuura M, Noda T, Mori S Huang RYJ JP Thiery (2014).Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition spectrum quantification and its efficacy in deciphering survival and drug responses of cancer patients. EMBO Mol Med 6, 1279-1293 Schliekelman MJ, Taguchi A, Zhu J, Dai X, Zhang Q, Chin A,Wong CH, Wang H, McFerrin H, Selamat SA, Yang C, Kroh M, Garg KS, Gazdar AD, Laird-Offringa IA, Tewari M, Thiery JP, SM Hanash (2015).Molecular portraits of epithelial, mesenchymal and hybrid states in lung adenocarcinoma and their relevance to survival. Cancer Research 75, 1789-1800 . Li, Q Pluchon, PJ. Robens, J Herr, K, Mercade, M, Thiery,JP, Yu,H and V.Viasnoff (2016).Intercellular tension directs the de novo extension of apical lumens. Nature Cell Biol 18, 311-318 . Nieto A, Huang RY-H, Jackson R and JP Thiery (2016).EMT 2016. Cell 166, 21-45 Chen L, Jenjaroenpun P, Pillai CM, Ivishna AW, Ow GS, Efthimios M, Zhiqun T, Tan ZT, Lee SC, Rogers K, Ward JM, Mori S, Adams DJ, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Ban HK, Kuznetsov VA and JP Thiery (2017).Transposon insertional mutagenesis in mice identifies human breast cancer susceptibility genes and signatures for stratification. Proc. Nat. Acad Science USA 114, E2215-E2224 Krishnan V, Chong YL, Tan TZ, Kulkarni M, Rahmat MB, Tay LS, Sankar L, Jokhun DS, Ganesan A, Chuang LSH, Voon DC, Shivashankar GV, Thiery JP* and Yoshiaki Ito* (2018).(*CoPI). TGF-β promotes genomic instability in RUNX3 deficient cells Cancer Res 78, 88-102 Ho CL, Tan HQ, Chua KJ, Kang A, Lim KH, Ling KL,Yew WS, Lee YS, Thiery JP and MWChang(2018).Engineered commensal microbes for diet mediated colorectal-cancer chemoprevention. Nature Biomedical Engineering Epub Terry S, Abdou A, Engelsen AST, Buart S, Dessen P, Corgnac S, Collares D, Meurice G, Gausdal G, Baud V, Saintigny P, Lorens JB, Thiery JP, Mami-Chouaib F, Chouaib S. (2019).AXL targeting overcomes human lung cancer cell resistance to NK and CTL-mediated cytotoxicity. Cancer Immunol Res. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066. Epub Sim WJ, Iyengar PV, Lama D Leng Lui, SK, HC, Ng, Gelibter LV, Domany E, Kappei D, Tan TZ , Saie A, PW Jaynes, Verma CS , Prem Kumar A, Rouanne M, HK Ha, C Radulescu P ten Dijke, PJA Eichhorn and JP Thiery (2019).c-Met activation leads to the establishment of a TGFβ receptor regulatory network required for bladder cancer invasion. Nature comm doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12241-2 Yu, Q., Holmes, W.R., Thiery, J.P., Luwor, R.B. and Rajagopal, V.(2022). Cortical Tension Initiates the Positive Feedback Loop between Cadherin and F-actin Biophys J. 121(4):596-606. doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2022.01.006 LeBleu, V.S., and Thiery, J.P. (2022). The continuing search for causality between epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and the metastatic fitness of carcinoma cells. Cancer Res. 82(8):1467-1469. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-22-0026. Rouanne, M., Adam, J., Radulescu, C., Letourneur, D., Bredel, D., Mouraud, S., Goubet, A. G., Leduc, M., Chen, N., Tan, T. Z., Signolle, N., Bigorgne, A., Dussiot, M., Tselikas, L., Susini, S., Danlos, F. X., Schneider, A. K., Chabanon, R., Vacher, S., Bièche, I., … J.P., Zitvogel, L., Marabelle, A. (2022). BCG therapy downregulates HLA-I on malignant cells to subvert antitumor immune responses in bladder cancer. J. Clin. Inv., 132(12), e145666. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI145666 Agnetti, J., Bou, Malham, V., Desterke C, Benzoubir N, Peng J, Jacques S, Rahmouni S, Di Valentin E, Tan TZ, Samuel D, Thiery JP, Gassama-Diagne A. (2022). PI3Kδ activity controls plasticity and discriminates between EMT and stemness based on distinct TGFβ signaling. Commun Biol. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03637-w. Qin, L., Cui, Y., Yuan, T., Chen, D., Zhao, R., Li, S., Jiang, Z., Wu, Q., Long, Y., Wang, S., Tang, Z., Pan, H., Li, X., Wei, W., Yang, J., Luo, X., Zhang, Z., Tang, Q., Liu, P., Weinkove, R., Yao, Y., Qin, D., Thiery, J.P., Li, P. (2022). Co-expression of a PD-L1-specific chimeric switch receptor augments the efficacy and persistence of CAR T cells via the CD70-CD27 axis. Sikandar, S.S., Gulati, G.S., Antony, J., Fetter, I., Kuo, A.H., Ho, W.H.D., Haro-Acosta, V., Das, S., Steen, C.B., Pereira, T.A., Qian, D., Beachy, P.A., Dirbas, F., Red-Horse, K., Rabbitts, T.H., Thiery, J.P., Newman, A.M., Clarke, M.F. (2022). Identification of a minority population of LMO2+ breast cancer cells that integrate into the vasculature and initiate metastasis. Sci Adv. 8(45):eabm3548. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abm3548. Zhang, L., Li, Y., Zhou, L., Zhou, H., Ye, L., Ou, T., Hong, H., Zheng, S., Zhou, Z., Wu, K., Yan, Z., Thiery, J.P., Cui, J., Wu, S. (2023). The m6A reader YTHDF2 promotes bladder cancer progression by suppressing RIG-I-mediated immune response. Cancer Res. CAN-22-2485. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472. Cui, Y., Yuan, T., Wang, Y., Zheng, D., Qin, L., Li, S., Jiang, Z., Lin, S., Guo, W., Wang, Z., Liang, Z., Li, Y., Yao, Y., Liu, X., Tang Q., Tu, H.Y., Zhang, X.C., Tang, Z., Wong, N., Zhang, Z., Qin, D., Thiery, J.P., Xu, K., Li, P. (2023). T lymphocytes expressing the switchable chimeric Fc receptor CD64 exhibit augmented persistence and antitumor activity. Cell Rep. 42(7):112797. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112797. Xu, J.B., Cao, J., Xia, J., Zhu, Y., He, Y., Cao, M.G., Fang, B.M., Thiery, J.P., Zhou, W. (2023). Breast metastatic tumors in lung can be substituted by lung-derived malignant cells transformed by alternative splicing H19 lncRNA. Breast Cancer Res. 25(1):59. doi: 10.1186/s13058-023-01662-z.

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