
Isabelle Thomas - Selected Publications#

GOFFETTE-NAGOT F., REGINSTER I., THOMAS I. (2011) Spatial Analysis of Residential Land Prices in Belgium: Accessibility, Linguistic Border, and Environmental Amenities, Regional Studies, 45 :9, 1253-1268

THOMAS I., FRANKHAUSER P. (2013) Fractal dimensions of the built-up footprint: buildings versus roads. Fractal evidence from Antwerp (Belgium). Environment and Planning B, 40, 310-329.

CAVAILHES J., THOMAS I. (2013), Are agricultural and developable land prices governed by the same spatial rules? The case of Belgium, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 61, 439-462

TANNIER C., THOMAS I. (2013) Defining and characterising urban boundaries: A fractal analysis of theoretical and real Belgian cities, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 41, 234-248

VANDENBUCLKE G., THOMAS I., INTPANIS L. (2014), Predicting cycling accident risk in Brussels: an innovative spatial case-control approach. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 62, 341-357.

DELMELLE E., THILL J.-C., PEETERS D., THOMAS I. (2014) A Multi-period Capacitated School Location Problem With Modular Equipments and closest assignment considerations. Journal of Geographical Systems 16: 263-286

PEETERS D., CARUSO G., CAVAILHES J., THOMAS I., FRANKHAUSER P., VUIDEL G. (2015) Emergence of leapfrogging from residential choice with endogenous green space: analytical results, Journal of Regional Science, 55:3, 491-512.

DELLOYE J., PEETERS D., THOMAS I. (2015) On the Morphology of a Growing City: a Heuristic Experiment Merging Static Economics with Dynamic Geography. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135871.

THOMAS I. (2015) Géographie économique. Encyclopédie Universalis.

MEDARD DE CHARDON C., CARUSO G., THOMAS I. (2016) Bike-share rebalancing strategies, patterns and purpose, Journal of Transport Geography, 55, 22-36

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