
Kostas Tokatlidis - Biography#

Prof Tokatlidis is one of the most preeminent European scientists in mitochondria biology, with internationally leading contributions and impact. He graduated with a First class degree in chemical engineering (Aristotle University), and did his PhD on protein folding/ in inlcusion bodies and the cellulosome molecular architecture as a Fulbright fellow (Delaware Univ. USA and Institut Pasteur). He received an EU fellowship at the Institut Pasteur working as a postdoc on chaperone-assisted protein folding, and then worked as a postdoc on mitochondria biogenesis with Prof. Gottfried Schatz (Biozentrum, Basel; (EMBO/HFSP/Roche fellow). He established his group as a Lecturer/senior Lecturer and Lister fellow (Manchester University) and was then recruited to IMBB-FORTH (Crete) setting up the first Mitochondria group in Greece. In 2013 he relocated as the Cathcart Chair in Glasgow where he is the Head of the Mitochondria Biology group and is leading the first Mitochondrial integrative research network in Scotland. He has seminal discoveries of new mitochondrial protein import components, a new chaperone machinery, a novel redox-regulated import mechanism and responsive links to cellular stress (published in Nature, Science, Mol Cell, PNAS, EMBOJ, J Cell Biol). He received competitive UK/EU funding (43 grants, >12 Million Euros incl prestigious 5-yr awards MRC career establishment, Royal Society Wolfson research merit, Lister senior fellowship, Greece excellence grant). His work is largely interdisciplinary and rooted in Europe, having links with top-notch European groups and a global impact. He is highly regarded as a leader by the scientific community (elected EMBO member and fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh-FRSE among others). He is a reviewer for European and international funders (EU, DFG, NSF, UKRI, Wellcome, NWO), editorial boards and external examining/promotion committees worldwide. His leadership roles include Director of graduate/undergraduate studies, Director of Research in the School of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Glagow, member of the international RSE committee, member of steering committee of research networks. He has presented more than 70 plenary and keynote talks worldwide. He has mentored early career researchers (17 postdocs, 25 graduate students) and has a sustained involvement in organisation of EMBO/FEBS advanced courses and meetings. He has contributed to public and patient engagement at a European and global level with several talks to lay audiences and leading collaborative activities with social scientists/artists/designers to increase awareness for mitochondria research (RSE, Biochemical Society and Glasgow School of Art) and drive innovation in therapies engaging with a broad range of stakeholders.

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