
Laura Tunbridge - Selected Publications#


2020 'Beethoven: A Life in Nine Pieces' (Viking/Penguin). Dutch edition 'Beethoven: Een Leven in Negen Composities' (Spectrum); American edition (Yale University Press).

2018 'Singing in the Age of Anxiety: Lieder Performance in New York and London between the World Wars' (Chicago University Press).

2010 'The Song Cycle' (Cambridge University Press); Spanish edition 'El ciclo de canciones' (Música, 2016).

Select Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

'Exterminating the Recording Angel’, Opera Quarterly 35 (2019): 63–76.

'Scarlett Johansson’s Body and the Materialization of Voice’, Twentieth-Century Music 13 (2016): 139-152.

‘Versioning Strauss’, Nineteenth-Century Music 40 (2017): 283-300.

‘Frieda Hempel and the Historical Imagination’, Journal of the American Musicological Society 66 (2013): 437-474.

‘Singing Translations: The Politics of Listening between the Wars’, Representations 123 (2013): 53-86.

Edited Books:

2021 'Song Beyond the Nation: Translation, Transnationalism, Performance', edited with Philip Bullock (British Academy/Oxford University Press)

2020 'German Song Onstage: Lieder Performances in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries', edited with Natasha Loges (Indiana University Press)

2011 'Rethinking Schumann', edited with Roe-Min Kok (Oxford University Press)

Select Book Chapters:

‘Constructing a Musical Nation: German-Language Criticism in the Nineteenth Century’. In The Cambridge History of Music Criticism, ed. Christopher Dingle (Cambridge University Press, 2019), 170-189.

‘Saving Schubert: The Evasions of Late Style’. In Late Style and its Discontents, ed. Gordon McMullan and Sam Smiles (Oxford University Press, 2016), 120-130.

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