
Roberto A. Valdeón García - Selected Publications#


(2019) (Editor) Topics and Concepts in Literary Translation. London: Routledge.ISBN 9780367353414. 178 pp.

(2019) (Co-editor) Routledge Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781138698017. 576 pp.

(2018) (Editor) Contemporary Approaches to Translation Theory and Practice. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781138392830. 166 pp.

(2017) (Editor) Chinese Translation Studies in the 21st Century. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-43930-5. 344 pp.

(2016) (Editor) Spanish in the USA: Linguistic, Translational and Cultural Aspects. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781138203365. 134 pp.

(2014) (Author) Translation and the Spanish Empire in the Americas. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN 9789027258533. 272 pp.

(2010) (Editor) Translating Information. Oviedo: Ediuno. ISBN: 978-84-8317-815-7.

Special issues (Editor)

(2022) Journalistic Translation. Special issue of Journalism.

(2020) The translation of politics and the politics of translation. Special issue of Translation & Interpreting. Co-edited with Caterina Calafat.

(2019) Language, Translation and Empire in the Americas. Special issue of Target.

(2018) Topics and Concepts in Literary Translation. Perspectives Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 26:4, 459-628.

(2015) Languages in Contact, Cultures in Conflict: English and Spanish in the US. Language and Intercultural Communication, 15:3, 313-452. Published as a book in 2016.

(2014) Translating Ethnicity. Linguistic and Cultural Issues. European Journal of English Studies, 18:3, 233-347. With Silvia Bruti and Serenella Zanotti.

(2012) Translation and Journalism. Meta, 57:4, 847-1092.

(2010) Translation in the Post-Industrialist Society. Across Languages and Cultures, 11:2, 143-290.

(2009) Translation in the Media. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6, 1-133.

(2009) Translating Informative and Persuasive Texts. Perspectives. Studies in Translatology, 17:3, 77-136.


(2022) The voice(s) of Julio Gómez de la Serna in Oscar Wilde’s Obras completas. Translation & Interpreting Studies, 17:2, 220-242. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2022) Gatekeeping, ideological affinity and journalistic translation, 23:1, 117-133. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2021) Translation: from mediation to gatekeeping and agenda-setting. Language and Intercultural Communication, 21:1, 24-26. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2021) News production and intercultural communication at the crossroads of disciplines. Language and Intercultural Communication, 21:3, 323-334. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2020) On the Interface Between Journalism and Translation Studies: A Historical Overview and Suggestions for Collaborative Research. Journalism Studies, 21(12): 1644-1661. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2020) Literary translation research in China (with Youbin Zhao). Perspectives, 28 (5): 645-658. SJR, JCR, ERIH+. (2020) Gatekeeping, ideological affinity and journalistic translation. Journalism. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2020) Swearing and the vulgarization hypothesis in Spanish audiovisual translation. Journal of Pragmatics, 155: 261-263. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2019) Intercultural pragmatics and the translation of English interjections and expletives into Spanish and Chinese. Co-authored with Qin Huang. Babel, 65: 3. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2019) Translation, a Tudor Political Instrument. Target, 31: 2. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2019) Translation Studies and the Ethics of Publishing. Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 27: 5. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2019) Ad Hoc Corpora and Journalistic Translation Research. BBCNews and BBCMundo's Coverage of Margaret Thatcher's Death and Funeral. Across Languages and Cultures, 20:1. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2018) Language and translation in classic westerns: revisiting stereotypes in They Died with Their Boots On and Fort Apache. Language and Intercultural Communication, 18:6, 681-693. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2018) On the use of the term ‘translation’ in journalism studies. Journalism, 19:2, 252-269. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2018) The voices of John Phillips and John Stevens through the paratexts of the translations of Don Quijote and of Spanish chronicles of the conquest. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 15, 127-144. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2017) Bartolomé de las Casas and the Spanish-American War. Translation, appropriation and the 1898 edition of Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias. Translation & Interpreting, 12:3, 367-382. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2016) Translating Stable Sources in Times of Economic Recession: The Paul Krugman’s Columns in the New York Times and El País. Babel, 62:1, 1-20. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2015) Fifteen Years of Journalistic Translation and More. Perspectives. Studies in Translatology. 23:4, 634-663. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2015) The (Ab)use of Taboo Lexis in Audiovisual Translation: Raising Awareness of Pragmatic Variation in English-Spanish. Intercultural Pragmatics, 12:3, 363-385. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2015) (Un)stable Sources, Translation and News Production. Target, 27:3, 440-453. Special issue guest-edited by Jeremy Munday and Meifang Zhang. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2015) Languages in Contact, Cultures in Conflict: English and Spanish in the US. Introduction to special issue of Language and Intercultural Communication, 15:3, 313-323. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2015) Colonial Museums in the US (Un)translated. Language and Intercultural Communication, 15:3, 362-375. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2014) Joseph Smith’s Uses of Pseudo-, Intralingual and Intersemiotic Translation in the Creation of the Mormon Canon: The Book of Mormon, the Bible and the Book of Abraham. Across Languages and Cultures, 15:2, 219-241. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2014) The 1992 Retranslation of Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias. Translation Studies, 7:1, 1-16. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2013) Hispanic or Latino. The Use of Politicized Terms for the Hispanic Minority in US Official Documents and Quality News Outlets. Language and Intercultural Communication, 13:4, 433-449.

(2013) The Use of Latin American, Hispanic and Latino in US Academic Articles. Terminology, 19:1, 112-137. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2013) Doña Marina/La Malinche: A Historiographical Approach to the Interpreter/Traitor. Target, 25:2, 157-179. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2012) Translation and the Crónica del Perú: The Voices of Cieza de León. Philological Quarterly, 91:4, 569-590. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2012) Tears of the Indies and the Power of Translation. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 89:6, 839-858. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2012) From the Dutch Corantos to Convergence Journalism. Meta, 57:4. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2011) On Fictional Turns, Fictionalizing Twists and the Invention of the Americas. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 6:1, 207-224. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2011) Communicating the Past via Translation: The Manipulation of History. Language and Intercultural Communication, 11:3, 232-247. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2011) Embedding Anglocentric Perceptions of the World: The Malvinas/Falklands Binomial in the News. Meta, 56:1, 63-80. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2010) Translation in the Informational Society. Across Languages and Cultures, 11:2, 149-160. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2010) Schemata and the Gay Issue in Contemporary Dubbed Sitcoms. Target, 22:1, 71-93. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2010) Dissolving Terrorism: Media and Academic Representations of Political Violence in the Pre-9/11 World. The Translator, 16:2, 337-344. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2009) Translating the Controversy: A Comparative Study of Maurice and its Spanish Version, Meta, 54:4, 704-732. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2009) Euronews in Translation: Construction a European Perspective of/for the World. Forum, 7:1, 123-153. SJR, ERIH+.

(2009) Info-Promotional Materials and their Translation into English: the Case of the Asturian Tourist Board Texts. Across Languages and Cultures, 10:1, 21-47. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2009) Discursive Constructions of Terrorism in Spain: Anglophone and Spanish Media Representations of Eta. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 18:2, 66-83. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2009) Translating Informative and Persuasive Texts, Perspectives Studies in Translatology, 17:2, 77-81. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2008) Alienation Techniques in Screen Translation: The Role of Culture-Specifics in the Reconstruction of Target Culture Discourse. Languages in Contrast, 8:2, 208-234. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2008) Anomalous Translation: Appropriation of Themes and Texts in the Internet. Babel, 54: 4, 299-327. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2007) Implementing Colloquial English in the Classroom: Amplificatory Tags and Elliptical Structures. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4, 95-116. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

(2007) Sexist and Political Bias in Translation: Two Case Studies. Trans, Revista de Traducción, 11, 231-246. SJR, ERIH+

(2006) The Construction of Anti-European Sentiment in the times.co.uk. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 16, 405-431.

(2005) The CNNenEspañol News. Perspectives Studies in Translatology, 13:4, 255-267. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2005) Asymmetric Representations of Languages in Contact: Uses and Translations of English, French and Spanish in Frasier. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series, 4, 279-294. SJR, A&HCI, ERIH+.

(2005) The Translated Spanish Service of the BBC. Across Languages and Cultures, 6:2, 195-220. SJR, JCR, ERIH+.

Book chapters

(2019) Colonial Conflict and Imperial Conflict in the Americas. In The Palgrave Handbook of Languages and Conflict, edited by Michael Kelly, Hillary Footitt and Myriam Salama-Carr. London: Palgrave.

(2018) Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Multimodal Analysis. In Reception Studies and Audiovisual Translation, edited by Elena Di Giovanni and Yves Gambier, 111-132. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

(2017) Pragmatics and the Translation of Fiction. In Pragmatics of Fiction, edited by Miriam A. Locher and Andreas H. Jucker, 367-396. Berlin: De Gruyter.

(2017) The voices of Cieza de León in English. Notes on el nefando pecado de la sodomía in translation and in US academia. In Textual and Contextual Voices of Translation, edited by Cecilia Alvstad, Annjo K. Greenall, Hanne Jansen & Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov, 223-240. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

(2016) Traducción periodística y gatekeeping. In Traducción, medios de comunicación y opinión pública, edited by Rosario Martín Ruano & África Vidal. Granada: Comares.

(2016) The Construction of National Images through News Translation. In Interconnecting Translation Studies and Imagology, edited by Luc Van Doorslaer, Peter Flynn and Joep Leerssen, 219-237. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

(2013) On Fictional Turns, Fictionalizing Twists and the Invention of the Americas. In Eurocentrism in Translation Studies, edited by Luc Van Doorslaer and Peter Flynn, 207-224. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

(2013) Usos de la (no)traducción como expresión del conflicto anglo-español en Estados Unidos. In Traducción, políticas y conflictos: nuevos retos en la era del multiculturalismo, edited by África Vidal & Rosario Martín. Granada: Comares.

(2010) Dynamic Versus Static Discourse: Will & Grace and its Spanish Dubbed Version, in Translation, Humour and the Media, Delia Chiaro (ed). 238-249. London: Continuum.

(2009) Imitating the Conversational Mode in Audiovisual Fiction: Performance Phenomena and Non-Clausal Units, in The Representation of the Spoken Mode in Fiction: How Authors Write How People Talk, Carolina Amador & Ana Nunes (eds.), 197-221. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.

(2008) Inserts in Modern-Script Writing and their Translation into Spanish, in Between Text and Image: Updating Research in Screen Translation, Delia Chiaro, Christine Heiss & Chiara Bucaria (eds.), 120-136. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

(2007) Ideological Independence or Negative Mediation: BBCMundo and CNNenEspañol’s (Translated) Reporting of Madrid’s Terrorist Attacks, in Translating Conflict, Myriam Salama-Carr (ed.), 99-118. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

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