Sergio O. Valenzuela - Biography#

Sergio O. Valenzuela is an ICREA Professor at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) since 2008. He leads the Physics and Engineering of Nanodevices group, which focuses on quantum transport, spintronics, and thermoelectricity in systems such as 2D materials and topological insulators. He is a renowned expert on spintronics. He has pioneered the use of nonlocal devices to study charge to spin interconversion, demonstrated spin-ratchets and implemented novel qubit control and spectroscopy methods. Prof Valenzuela received a PhD in Physics at the University of Buenos Aires in 2001 and held research positions at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has published about 80 articles, most of them with high impact (in Nature, Science, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Electronics, Physical Review Letters, etc). He has also co-edited two books and contributed 7 book chapters. He has given over 130 invited talks and seminars at International Conferences and research institutions since 2005. He is recipient of the Giambiagi prize, the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize, an ERC Consolidator Grant (2013-2018) and an ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant (2020). He has led several European projects. He is currently Principal Investigator of the Graphene Flagship and Guarantor of the ICN2 Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence Project (2013-2017; 2017-Present). He is also the Coordinator of the FET-PROACTIVE Project "TOCHA" (2019-2024), a European effort to develop low-loss transmission of information and novel quantum metrology reference standards, by harnessing topological properties in electronic, photonic and phononic structures. He has served in several Commissions of Trust in Europe and the US.

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