Lizhe Wang - Biography#

Prof. Lizhe Wang got his B.E. (1998) and M.E. (2001) both in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University, China, and D.E. (Magna Cum Laud, 2008) in Applied Informatics from University Karlsruhe, Germany. His research interests include digital earth, remote sensing image processing and e-Science.

He the Fellow of IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), IET (The Institute of Engineering and Technology) and BCS (The British Computer Society).

He is the director of "Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Geo-Information Processing"(2014-), director of "Hubei Provincial Engineering Research Center for Smart Geological Environment Technology" (2018-), deputy director of "China Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Geological Survey & Evaluation" (2017 - 2022), and Associated Technical Program Director, “Big Earth Data Scientific and Engineering” Project (2018-), Chinese Academic of Sciences, China.

He is the Chairman of Special committee of “Big Earth Data” (2021-), China National Committee of Digital Earth, and Chairman of Special committee of “GNSS for Resource and Environment Application”(2019-), China GNSS and LBS Association.

He has served as associated editors in top-tier journals such as IEEE JSTARS, IEEE J-MASS, IEEE TC, IEEE TPDS, IEEE TSUSC, IEEE TCC, ACM Com. Survey.

He has served as a Program Board Member of Group on Earth Observations (2015-2018), Co-chair of "Science and Technology Watch" working group at International Society for Digital Earth (2020-), Vice Communication Chair of IEEE Society Special Technical Community on Sustainable Computing (2015-).

He has published 12 Books, 200 scientific journal articles, including14 ESI top 1% highly-cited papers and 5 top 1% ESI hot papers, with 14732 citations, H-index 57 in Google Scholar.

He is the Elsevier Highly-cited scholar in China (2021) and a top 100 Computer Scientists in the China, Guide2Research, 5th Edition 2019.

Publication list in DBLP.

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