
Matthias Weller - Selected Publications#

1. The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Cornerstones – Prospects – Outlook, Hart Publishing, 2023 (as editor, together with Moritz Brinkmann/Nina Dethloff/João Ribeiro Bidaoui).

2. Mutual trust: A suitable foundation for private international law of regional integra-tion communities and beyond?; Recueil des Cours (RdC) 423, Den Haag, 2022, pp. 41 – 378.

3. Just and Fair Solutions? – Fundamentals of a Restitution Culture for Works of Art and Cultural Property Confiscated During Nazi Persecution, in Werner Gephart et al. (Hrsg.), Communities and the(ir) Law, Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt/Main 2022, pp. 251 – 278 (project as Fellow of the Kaete Hamburger Kolleg).

4. Kulturgutschutzgesetz (KGSG), Kommentar, Nomos-Verlag Baden-Baden 2020, pp. 640 Seiten, as co-editor (together with Kerstin von der Decken/Frank Fechner) and author (sections 73 et seq.).

5. Rethinking EU Cultural Property Law: Towards Private Enforcement, Schriften zum Kunst- und Kulturrecht Bd. 26, Baden-Baden 2018, pp. 172 (commissioned by the European Parliament).

6. Mutual Trust: In Search of the Future of Private International Law, Journal of Private International Law 2015, S. 65 – 102.

7. Verfahrensgrundsätze und Modellregeln für die grundsätzlich elektronische Führung gerichtlicher Erkenntnisverfahren, EBS Law School Schriften Band 11, Nomos-Verlag Baden-Baden 2016, pp. 141 Seiten (together with the President of the Regional Court of Darmstadt Ralf Köbler).

8. Persönliche Leistungen, XXV + 714 pp., thesis for habilitation, Heidelberger Rechts-wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (HeiRA) Bd. 7, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2012.

9. Ordre-public-Kontrolle internationaler Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen im autono-men Zuständigkeitsrecht, XXVIII + 389 S., PhD thesis, Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Recht Bd. 143, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2005.

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