Michel Wensing - Biography#

Michel Wensing is (full) professor (w3) and head of the master of science programme for health services research and implementation science at Heidelberg University, Germany. He is also adjunct-head of the Department of General Practice and Health Services Research at Heidelberg University Hospital. Previously he was full professor (2011-2015) and associate professor (2003 - 2010) at Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands. His work focuses on the organization and delivery of primary and ambulatory care, concepts and strategies of implementation of practices, patients’ perspectives and self-management. He is associate editor of the journal Implementation Science since its launch in 2006 (editor-in-chief from 2012 until 2022). After graduation in sociology (1991), he received doctoral degrees in the medical sciences (PhD 1997, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands; Habilitation 2010, Heidelberg University, Germany). More than 120 M.Sc. students graduated since the start of the program for health services research and implementation science in 2015. He supervised more than 60 completed doctoral students (PhD, DrScHum, Habilitation) and published >600 peer reviewed journal articles (WoS H-index: 60).

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