
Stephen West - Selected publications#

  • Gaur, V; Wyatt, HDM; Komorowska, W; Szczepanowski, RH; de Sanctis, D; Gorecka, KM; West, SC and Nowotny, M (2015), Structural and mechanistic analysis of the Slx1-Slx4 endonuclease. Cell Reports 10, 1467-1476
  • Blanco, MG; Matos, J and West, SC (2014), Dual control of Yen1 nuclease activity and cellular localization by Cdk and Cdc14 prevents genome instability. Molecular Cell 54, 94-106
  • Chan, YW and West, SC (2014), Spatial control of the GEN1 Holliday junction resolvase ensures genome stability. Nature Communications 5, 4844
  • Matos, J and West, SC (2014), Holliday junction resolution: regulation in space and time. DNA Repair 19, 176-181
  • Pepe, A and West, SC (2014), MUS81-EME2 promotes replication fork restart. Cell Reports 7, 1048-1055
  • Pepe, A and West, SC (2014), Substrate specificity of the MUS81-EME2 structure selective endonuclease. Nucleic Acids Research 42, 3833-3845
  • Sarbajna, S; Davies, D and West, SC (2014), Roles of SLX1-SLX4, MUS81-EME1, and GEN1 in avoiding genome instability and mitotic catastrophe. Genes & Development 28, 1124-1136
  • Sarbajna, S and West, SC (2014), Holliday junction processing enzymes as guardians of genome stability. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 39, 409-419
  • Shahid, T; Soroka, J; Kong, EH; Malivert, L; McIlwraith, MJ; Pape, T; West, SC and Zhang, X (2014), Structure and mechanism of action of the BRCA2 breast cancer tumor suppressor. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 21, 962-968
  • Wyatt, HDM and West, SC (2014), Holliday junction resolvases. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 6, a023192
  • Coulthard, R; Deans, AJ; Swuec, P; Bowles, M; Costa, A; West, SC and McDonald, NQ (2013), Architecture and DNA recognition elements of the Fanconi anemia FANCM-FAAP24 complex. Structure 21, 1648-1658
  • Matos, J; Blanco, MG and West, SC (2013), Cell-cycle kinases coordinate the resolution of recombination intermediates with chromosome segregation. Cell Reports 4, 76-86
  • Wyatt, HDM; Sarbajna, S; Matos, J and West, SC (2013), Coordinated actions of SLX1-SLX4 and MUS81-EME1 for Holliday junction resolution in human cells. Molecular Cell 52, 234-247
  • Yüce, Ö and West, SC (2013), Senataxin, defective in the neurodegenerative disorder ataxia with oculomotor apraxia 2, lies at the interface of transcription and the DNA damage response. Molecular and Cellular Biology 33, 406-417
  • Zilio, N; Williamson, CT; Eustermann, S; Shah, R; West, SC; Neuhaus, D and Ulrich, HD (2013), DNA-dependent SUMO modification of PARP-1. DNA Repair 12, 761-773
  • Blackford, AN; Schwab, RA; Nieminuszczy, J; Deans, AJ; West, SC and Niedzwiedz, W (2012), The DNA translocase activity of FANCM protects stalled replication forks. Human Molecular Genetics 21, 2005-2016
  • Muñoz-Galván, S; Tous, C; Blanco, MG; Schwartz, EK; Ehmsen, KT; West, SC; Heyer, W-D and Aguilera, A (2012), Distinct roles of Mus81, Yen1, Slx1-Slx4, and Rad1 nucleases in the repair of replication-born double-strand breaks by sister chromatid exchange. Molecular and Cellular Biology 32, 1592-1603
  • Deans, AJ and West, SC (2011), DNA interstrand crosslink repair and cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer 11, 467-480
  • Matos, J; Blanco, MG; Maslen, S; Skehel, JM and West, SC (2011), Regulatory control of the resolution of DNA recombination intermediates during meiosis and mitosis. Cell 147, 158-172
  • Wechsler, T; Newman, S and West, SC (2011), Aberrant chromosome morphology in human cells defective for Holliday junction resolution. Nature 471, 642-646
  • Blanco, MG; Matos, J; Rass, U; Ip, SCY and West, SC (2010), Functional overlap between the structure-specific nucleases Yen1 and Mus81-Mms4 for DNA-damage repair in S. cerevisiae. DNA Repair 9, 394-402
  • Eustermann, S; Brockmann, C; Mehrotra, PV; Yang, J-C; Loakes, D; West, SC; Ahel, I and Neuhaus, D (2010), Solution structures of the two PBZ domains from human APLF and their interaction with poly(ADP-ribose). Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 17, 241-243
  • Lorenz, A; West, SC and Whitby, MC (2010), The human Holliday junction resolvase GEN1 rescues the meiotic phenotype of a Schizosaccharomyces pombe mus81 mutant. Nucleic Acids Research 38, 1866-1873
  • MacKay, C; Déclais, A-C; Lundin, C; Agostinho, A; Deans, AJ; MacArtney, TJ; Hofmann, K; Gartner, A; West, SC; Helleday, T; Lilley, DMJ and Rouse, J (2010), Identification of KIAA1018/FAN1, a DNA repair nuclease recruited to DNA damage by monoubiquitinated FANCD2. Cell 142, 65-76
  • Rass, U; Compton, SA; Matos, J; Singleton, MR; Ip, SCY; Blanco, MG; Griffith, JD and West, SC (2010), Mechanism of Holliday junction resolution by the human GEN1 protein. Genes & Development 24, 1559-1569
  • Thorslund, T; McIlwraith, MJ; Compton, SA; Lekomtsev, S; Petronczki, M; Griffith, JD and West, SC (2010), The breast cancer tumor suppressor BRCA2 promotes the specific targeting of RAD51 to single-stranded DNA. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 17, 1263-1265
  • Wyatt, HDM; West, SC and Beattie, TL (2010), InTERTpreting telomerase structure and function. Nucleic Acids Research 38, 5609-5622
  • Youds, JL; Mets, DG; McIlwraith, MJ; Martin, JS; Ward, JD; ONeil, NJ; Rose, AM; West, SC; Meyer, BJ and Boulton, SJ (2010), RTEL-1 enforces meiotic crossover interference and homeostasis. Science 327, 1254-1258

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