Stephen Wilson - Selected Publications#

Lekk, I., Duboc, V., Faro, A., Nicolaou, S., Blader, P., and Wilson SW (2019). Sox1a mediates the ability of the parapineal to impart habenular left-right asymmetry. eLife 8 e47376. PMID 31373552

Young RM, Cavodeassi F, Hawkins TA, Stickney HL, Schwarz Q, Lawrence LM, Wierzbicki C, Gestri G, Ambrosio EM, Klosner A, Rowell J, Bianco IH, Allende ML, Wilson SW (2019). Compensatory mechanisms render Tcf7l1a dispensable for eye formation despite its requirement in eye field specification eLife 8 pii:e40093. doi 10.7554/eLife.40093. PMID 30777146

Roussigne, M., Wei, L., Tsingos, E., Kuchling, F., Alkobtawi, M., Tsalavouta, M., Wittbrodt, J., Carl, M., Blader, P., Wilson, S.W. (2018). Left/right asymmetric collective migration of parapineal cells is mediated by focal FGF signalling activity in leading cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115 E9812-21. PMID: 30282743

Krasnow A.M., Ford, M.C. Valdivia, L.E. Wilson, S.W. and Attwell, D. (2018) Regulation of developing myelin sheath length by oligodendrocyte calcium transients in vivo. Nature Neuroscience 21: 24-28 doi: 10.1038/s41593-017-0031-y.

Tuschl K et al…… Mills PB*, Kurian MA*, Wilson SW* (2016) Mutations in SLC39A14 disrupt manganese homeostasis and cause childhood-onset parkinsonism-dystonia. Nature Communications. 27:7:11601. * joint senior authorship PMID:27231142

Dreosti, E., Lopes G., Kampff, A.R. and Wilson, S.W. (2015) Development of social behavior in young zebrafish. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 9:39 doi: 10.3389/fncir.2015.00039. PMID: 26347614.

Dreosti E., Llopis, N., Carl M., Yaksi E. & Wilson S.W. (2014) Left-right asymmetry is required for the habenulae to respond to both visual and olfactory stimuli. Current Biology 24: 440-445. PMID 24508167

Hüsken U., Stickney, H.L., Gestri. G. Bianco, I.H., Faro, A., Young, R.M., Roussigne M., Hawkins T.A. Beretta C.A., Brinkmann I., Paolini, I., Jacinto, R., Albadri, S., Dreosti, E., Tsalavouta M., Schwarz Q., Cavodeassi F., Barth K.A., Wen L., Zhang B., Blader P., Yaksi, E., Poggi, L., Zigman M., Lin S., Wilson S.W.* and Carl M.* (2014). Tcf7l2-dependent Wnt signalling in nascent habenular neurons mediates their left-right asymmetric differentiation. Current Biology 24 2217-27. PMID: 25201686.

Regan, J. Concha, M. Roussigne, M. Russell, C. and Wilson S.W. (2009) An Fgf8-dependent bi-stable cell migratory event establishes CNS asymmetry. Neuron 61 27-34. PMID: 19146810

Cavodeassi, F., Carreira-Barbosa, F., Young, R.M., Concha, M.L., Allende, M.L., Houart, C., Tada, M. and Wilson, S.W. (2005) Early stages of zebrafish eye formation require the coordinated activity of Wnt11, Fz5, and the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Neuron 47, 43-56.

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