
Jacek Witkoś#

Membership Number:4609
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:POLAND

Present and Previous Positions

  • From 2016.09.01 Professor of Linguistics, Chair of department of Polish-English Comparative Linguistics
  • 2008.09.01 - 31.08.2016 Deputy President of AMU for Research and International Cooperation
  • 2005.09.01 - 31.08.2008 Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature
  • 1999.09.01 - 31.08.2005 Deputy Head of the School of English
  • 2001.09.01 - 31.12. 2001 Visiting Scholar in the Department of Linguistics of the University of Maryland in College Park.
  • 2000.10.01 - 15.06.2001 Kościuszko Foundation Research Scholar in the Department of Linguistics of the University of Maryland in College Park
  • 1994.10.01 - 15.06.1997 Senior Lecturer in Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics of the University of Vienna, Austria
  • 1991.10.01 - 15.06.1992 Research Student in the Department of Linguistics of the University of North Wales in Bangor, Great Britain
  • 1988.09.01. - Lecturer and Assistant Professor at School of English, AMU

Fields of Scholarship
  • English linguistics
  • Generative syntax
  • English syntax and morphology
  • Comparative syntax of Slavic and Germanic languages
  • Comparative linguistics

Honours and Awards
  • Since 2016.12.01. President of Santander Group European Universities Network
  • Since 2015.09. Executive Board Member of the Slavic Linguistics Society
  • Member of Societas Linguistica Europea
  • Member of Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE)
  • 10.01.1997: Award from the Polish Ministry of Education for participation in the project "Collins English-Polish, Polish-English Dictionary".
  • Research projects (all funded by Polish National Science Centre):
  1. Opus (2012/07/B/HS2/02308): Formal Distribution of Nominal Expressions and their Internal Structure: a Generative Comparative Analysis. Conducted from 03-07-2013, in progress. EURO 150 000.
  2. Beethoven, in collaboration with the Deutche Forschungs Gesellschaft and Humboldt University in Berlin (2014/15/G/HS3/04715): Dative in Polish as a testing device for linguistic theories. Conducted from 01-02-2016, in progress. EURO 140 000.
  3. Opus (N N104 2072 35): Properties of the implicite subject of infinitives and gerunds in English and Polish. Conducted 16-10-2008 – 15-10-2011. (completed). EURO 100 000.
  4. Opus (2016/21/B/HS2/00619): The Nano-syntax of the Complementizer. Conducted 20-02-2017, in progress. EURO 70 000.

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