
Bernard Wood - Selected Publications#

Norris, C.A. and Wood, B.J., (2017) Earth’s volatile contents established by melting and vaporization. Nature v. 549, 507-510

Wood, B.J., Kiseeva, E.S. (2015) Trace element partitioning between sulfide and silicate melts: how lithophile elements become chalcophile and vice versa. Amer. Mineral. 100, 2371-2379

Kiseeva, E.S., Wood, B.J. (2013) A simple model for chalcophile element partitioning between sulphide and silicate liquids with geochemical applications. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 383 68-81

Wood, B.J., Walter, M.J., Wade, J. (2006) Accretion of the Earth and segregation of its core. Nature 441, 825-833
Wood, B.J. Halliday, A.N. (2005)Cooling of the Earth and core formation after the giant impact. Nature 437, 1345-1348

Wood, B.J and Blundy, J.D. (1997) A predictive model for rare earth element partitioning between clinopyroxene and anhydrous silicate melt. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 129, 166-181

Blundy, J. D. and Wood, B.J. (1994) Prediction of crystal-melt partition coefficients from elastic moduli. Nature 372, 452-454

Wood, B.J., Bryndzia, L.T and Johnson K.E.,(1990) Mantle oxidation state and its relationship to tectonic environment and fluid speciation . Science, 248, 337-345.

Bina, C.R and Wood, B.J .(1987)The olivine-spinel transitions: Experimental and thermodynamic constraints and implications for the nature of the 400 km seismic discontinuity Jour. Geophys. Res., 92, 4853-4866.

Wood, B.J. and Banno, S. (1973) Garnet-orthopyroxene and orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene relationships in simple and complex systems Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 42, 109-124.

Total citations 20830; h-index 80 (Google Scholar Feb 2018)

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