
Franz Wotawa - Selected publications#

Over 200 publications, H= 22

10 most significant publications in the last 10 years:

Wotawa, F.; Nica, M.; Nica, I.-D. Automated debugging based on a constraint model of the program and a test case. The journal of logic and algebraic programming, 81(4), pp. 390 - 407, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jlap.2012.03.002, 2012.

Nica, M.; Nica, S. A.; Wotawa, F. On the use of mutations and testing for debugging. Software : practice & experience, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/spe.1142, 2012.

G. Fraser, F. Wotawa, P. Ammann. Testing with Model Checkers: A Survey. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 19 (3), Sept., 2009.

B. Aichernig, H. Brandl, F. Wotawa. Conformance Testing of Hybrid Systems with Qualitative Reasoning Models. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 253 (2), pp. 53-69, 2009.

G. Steinbauer, F. Wotawa. Robust Plan Execution Using Model-Based Reasoning. Advanced robotics, 23 (10), pp. 1315 - 1326, 2009.

B. Aichernig, M. Weiglhofer, F. Wotawa. Improving Fault-based Conformance Testing. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 220 (1), pp. 63-77, 2008.

G. Fraser and F. Wotawa. Using model-checkers to generate and analyze property relevant test-cases. Software Quality Journal, 16 (2), pp. 161 - 183, 2008.

M. Hofbaur, J. Köb, G. Steinbauer, and F. Wotawa. Improving Robustness of mobile Robots using Model-based Reasoning. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer, Vol. 48(1), Jan, 2007.

Bernhard Peischl and Franz Wotawa. Automated Source Level Error Localization in Hardware Designs. IEEE Design & Test of Computers, Jan-Feb, 2006

Franz Wotawa. On the relationship between model-based debugging and program slicing. Artificial Intelligence, 135(1–2):125–143, 2002.
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