
Guoying Zhao - Curriculum Vitae#

PhD degree (July 2005, with distinction) in Computer Science and Technology: Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Research funding and grants as PI (I have raised in total ~19.8 million EUR), e.g.,
  • 2021.09-2026.08: Academy Professor Grant (highest academic position): Towards vision-based emotion AI (EmotionAI). 2,37M € (Success rate: 3.4%)
  • 2023.01-2028.12: Profi-7 Hybrid Intelligence (vice director) funded by Academy of Finland: 7.85M € .
  • 2024.03-2028.02: HORIZON-MSCA-SE-2022: Affective Computing Models: from Facial Expression to Mind-Reading (ACMod). 1,656,000.00 € (Consortium Coordinator)
  • 2021.01-2022.12: AI Forum: Artificial Intelligence Digital Revolution, funded by Ministry of Education of Finland. 833 333 €
  • 2022.01-2025.12: INFOTECH project: Towards Secure and Reliable Deep Learning Systems against Adversarial Attacks. 336 000 €.
  • 2023 Sep. – 2028 Aug: Facial expression based human-machine interface system for enhancing cognition in older adults at risk for dementia, funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Consultant. PIs: Dr. Vankee Lin & Dr. Ehsan Adeli, Stanford University, USA).
  • 2022.01-2024.12: Academy ICT 2023 project: “Trustable faces: Face data integrity against digital and physical attacks (TrustFace)”. 653 792 €.
  • 2020.01.01-2022.12.31: Academy ICT 2023 project “Context-aware autonomous neural network learning”: 571 311 €.
  • 2018.09.01-2022.08.31: Academy project “Micro-gesture analysis with machine learning for hidden emotion understanding (MiGA)”: 857 145 €. Overall success rate: 15%.
  • 2018.09.01-2022.08.31: Spearhead projects “Towards Reading Micro-Expressions in the Real World”, University of Oulu: 440 000 €.
  • 2018.01.01-2019.12.31: Academy ICT 2023 project: Separable Modality Learning: 438 500€.
  • 2018.01.01-2019.12.31: Business Finland funded project: Quantifying Human Experience for Increased Intelligence Within Work Teams and in the Customer Interface. Total appropriation: 318 756€.
  • 2016.10.01-2018.09.30: Academy Key Project: Cardiac beat to beat variability analysis from remote videos for health service (CAVA). Total appropriation: 300 000€. Overall success rate: 17%.
  • 2016.01.01-2019.03.31: Tekes Fidipro Fellow project: Facial Behaviour Analysis "in-the-wild". Total appropriation: 900 000 €. (PI: Guoying Zhao, Fidipro Fellow: Prof. Stefanos Zafeiriou)
  • 2014.09.01-2018.08.31: Academy project funding from Academy of Finland for researching “Computer Vision for Continuous Emotional State Analysis (CV4Emo)”: 858 607€. Overall success rate: 16%.
  • 2011.09.01-2017.01.31: Academy fellow position funding from Academy of Finland for researching Computer vision methods for analyzing human communicative behavior. Total appropriation: 891 061 €. Overall success rate: 13%.
  • 2011-2015: Senior Research Fellow Start-up Package from University of Oulu and Center for Machine Vision Research: 750 000 €.
  • 2014.01-2015.06: Infrastructure funding: “Test databases and computing devices for machine vision research”, 110 160 €.
  • 2008.01.01-2011.05.31: Postdoctoral position funding from Academy of Finland for researching Video-based event analysis and person identification. Total appropriation 189 000 €.

Supervision: Main Supervisor for: 16+ Postdoctoral researchers; 22+ PhD dissertations; 30+ Master theses. From these, there are eight Professors, two Academy of Finland postdoc grant recipients, many in international (e.g., Google, Siemens, Alibaba) and national companies (e.g., Silo.AI, Bittium Oyj).

Teaching: 21285S Affective Computing (5 ECTS); 521493S/521140S Computer Graphics (5 ECTS); Tutorials in: FG 2018, SCIA 2013, ICCV 2009, ICPR 2006, DeepLearn 2022.

Keynote talks in: IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023); Nordic Learning Analytics Summer Institute (NLASI 2023); Science Forum 2023; IEEE UPINLBS 2022; DeepLearn Spring 2022; ICCV workshop 2021; ICPR Workshop 2021; ICBBT 2020; ICBEA 2019; FG 2019 & 2018 workshops; ICCPR 2020; IPM-AI Summer School 2020; SIG 27 Conference, 2016; MEGC 2018; CV4AC 2014.

Experience of organizing scientific meetings: General chair of Arctic AI days (2022, 2023), ICIPMC2022, ICBEA 2020, ICBEA 2019; Co-Program chair of ACM ICMI 2021; Tutorial Chair for ICPR 2024; Panels Chairs for FG 2023; Publicity chair of SCIA 2023; Late Breaking Results Co-Chairs of ICMI 2019; Co-publicity chair of FG 2018; Co-organizer of DENIS summer school 2016; Co-chair of 23 international workshops and special sessions: ICCV, CVPR, ECCV, ACM MM; Guest editor of 9 special issues in: TPAMI, TAC, IVC, Frontiers in Psychology, CVIU, etc.;

Director of UOulu AI community (1.12.2018-); Board member of Finnish AI society (FAIS, 2019-); International Scientific and Innovation Advisory Committee: Centre for Research-based Innovation Visual Intelligence, Norway; Scientific Advisors: Finnish Business Angels Network FiBAN, Webuust Oy;

Research in Press: YLE TV1, YLE TV2, Finnish Newspaper Kaleva, Savon Sanomat, Academy of Finland, MIT Technology Review.

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