
Frank van Harmelen#

Frank van Harmelen
Membership Number:3789
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:THE NETHERLANDS

Present and Previous Positions

  • 2011-current: scientific director of The Network Institute, VU University, Amsterdam
  • 2001-current: full professor, VU University, Amsterdam (tenured)
  • 1999-2001: associate professor (UHD), VU University, Amsterdam (tenured)
  • 1995-1999: assistant professor (UD), VU University, Amsterdam (tenured)
  • 1990-1995: post-doc researcher with prof. Bob Wielinga, University of Amsterdam (fixed-term)
  • 1989: completion of PhD under prof. Alan Bundy at University of Edinburgh, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Fields of Scholarship
  • Artificial Intelligence, in particular the symbolic representation of knowledge and its use for inference
  • Very large scale Knowledge Representation, in particular inference over very large knowledge bases
  • Semantic Web, in particular handling distributed, large, heterogeneous, dynamic and possibly inconsistent information
  • Medical knowledge representation, in particular the formalisation of medical guidelines and medical trials

Honours and Awards
  • 2003: 8th Distinguished Lecturer in Knowledge Representation of York and Warwick Universities
  • 2005: elected for inclusion in "Keur der Wetenschap" ("Elite of Dutch Science") archive (limited to 200 scientists of all disciplines nation-wide)
  • 2007: elected as Fellow of the European AI Society (limited to max 3% of all European AI researchers).
  • 2011: Most Cited Article 2006-2010 Award from the Journal of Web Semantics, Elsevier
  • 2012: Receiver of the10-Year Impact Award of the International Semantic Web Conference for the 2002 paper with the highest impact since publication

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