
Yvette van Kooyk - Selected Publications#

Hirsch Index 92 (Google Scholar) 69 (Web of science) ;Citations 31760 ;110-index 213 ;Papers 282.

1. Sialic acids in pancreatic cancer cells drive tumour-associated macrophage differentiation via the Siglec receptors Siglec-7 and Siglec-9. Rodriguez E, Boelaars K, Brown K, Eveline Li RJ, Kruijssen L, Bruijns SCM, van Ee T, Schetters STT, Crommentuijn MHW, van der Horst JC, van Grieken NCT, van Vliet SJ, Kazemier G, Giovannetti E, Garcia-Vallejo JJ, van Kooyk Y. Nat Commun. 2021 Feb 24;12(1):1270. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21550-4.PMID: 33627655

2. Analysis of the glyco-code in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma identifies glycan-mediated immune regulatory circuits.Rodriguez E, Boelaars K, Brown K, Madunić K, van Ee T, Dijk F, Verheij J, Li RJE, Schetters STT, Meijer LL, Le Large TYS, Driehuis E, Clevers H, Bruijns SCM, O'Toole T, van Vliet SJ, Bijlsma MF, Wuhrer M, Kazemier G, Giovannetti E, Garcia-Vallejo JJ, van Kooyk Y.Commun Biol. 2022 Jan 11;5(1):41. doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-02934-0.

3. α2-3 Sialic acid binding and uptake by human monocyte-derived dendritic cells alters metabolism and cytokine release and initiates tolerizing T cell programming Joyce Lübbers, Rui-Jún Eveline Li , Friederike S. Gorki, Sven C. M. Bruijns , Ashley Gallagher, Hakan Kalay, Martino Ambrosini , Douwe Molenaar , Jan Van den Bossche, Sandra J. van Vliet and Yvette van Kooyk, Immunotherapy Advances, 2021, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1–18 doi:10.1093/immadv/ltab012

4. Bacterial inclusion bodies function as vehicles for dendritic cell-mediated T cell responses. Schetters STT, Jong WSP, Kruijssen LJW, Saparoea HBVDBV, Engels S, Unger WWJ, Houben D, den Haan JMM, Luirink J, van Kooyk Y. Cell Mol Immunol. 2019 Oct 8. doi: 10.1038/s41423-019-0298-x.

5. Outer membrane vesicles engineered to express membrane-bound antigen program dendritic cells for cross-presentation to CD8+ T cells. Schetters STT, Jong WSP, Horrevorts SK, Kruijssen LJW, Engels S, Stolk D, Daleke-Schermerhorn MH, Garcia-Vallejo J, Houben D, Unger WWJ, den Haan JMM, Luirink J, van Kooyk Y. Acta Biomater. 2019;91:248-257. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2019.04.033.

6. Glyco-Dendrimers as Intradermal Anti-Tumor Vaccine Targeting Multiple Skin DC Subsets. Duinkerken S, Horrevorts SK, Kalay H, Ambrosini M, Rutte L, de Gruijl TD, Garcia-Vallejo JJ, van Kooyk Y.Theranostics 2019;9(20):5797-5809. doi: 10.7150/thno.35059.

7. The tumour glyco-code as a novel immune checkpoint for immunotherapy. RodrÍguez, E., Schetters, S. T. T. & van Kooyk, Y.Nature Reviews Immunology 2018. 18, 3, p. 204-21.doi: 10.1038/nri.2018.3.

8. Sialic acid-modified antigens impose tolerance via inhibition of T-cell proliferation and de novo induction of regulatory T cells. Perdicchio, M., Ilarregui, J. M., Verstege, M. I., Cornelissen, L. A. M., Schetters, S. T. T., Engels, S., Ambrosini, M., Kalay, H., Veninga, H., den Haan, JMM., van Berkel, L. A., Samsom, J. N., Crocker, P. R., Sparwasser, T., Berod, L., Garcia-Vallejo, J. J., van Kooyk, Y. & Unger, W. W. J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016. 113, 12, p. 3329-3334 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1507706113

9. Glycan modification of antigen alters its intracellular routing in dendritic cells, promoting priming of T cells Streng-Ouwehand, I., Ho, N. I., Litjens, M., Kalay, H., Boks, M. A., Cornelissen, L. A. M., Singh, S. K., Saeland, E., Garcia-Vallejo, J. J., Ossendorp, F. A., Unger, W. W. J. & van Kooyk, Y. eLife 2016, pii: e11765. doi: 10.7554/eLife.11765

10. Protein-glycan interactions in the control of innate and adaptive immune responses. van Kooyk, Y. & Rabinovich, G. A.Nature Immunology 2008. 9, 6, p. 593-601.doi: 10.1038/ni.f.203

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