Cardiff Knowledge Hub Newsletter#
Spring 2018#
I would also like to thank colleagues, old and new, who came to the symposium held in Cardiff to mark my own milestone birthday in March. Read the report in this Spring newsletter.
Annual report 2017#
The Hub’s Annual Report 2017 is published and available via our website.
American Physiological Society (APS) Walter B. Cannon Memorial Award#
The Hub’s Academic Director, Professor Ole Petersen, is the winner of the Physiology in Perspective: the Walter B. Cannon Award Lectureship. This lectureship is the most prestigious award that APS bestows and recognises the lifetime achievement of an outstanding physiological scientist and APS member.
Professor Petersen presented his plenary lecture at EB2018 on The roles of Ca2+ and ATP in pancreatic physiology and pathophysiology, at the San Diego Convention Center (SDCC) on 22nd April.
Update on the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM)#
The Hub welcomed three members of the European Commission’s SAM Secretariat to Cardiff on 27th March. On 10th April, we hosted a workshop on evidence review methods for SAPEA staff. A small group also enjoyed a weekend social excursion to experience Welsh wildlife and culture, at St David’s and Skomer Island.
Recent Events#
Physiology and pathophysiology 2018: molecules, cells, organs and systems
The symposium, which took place in Cardiff on 6th/7th March, was organised in celebration of our Academic Director’s 75th birthday.
World leaders in the field, with 13 Members of Academia Europaea including 4 Fellows of the Royal Society and 3 Members of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, presented recent discoveries within wide perspectives. Reflecting the broad interests of Professor Petersen, there was a major focus on intra- and inter-cellular signalling events in a number of different systems, including the gastro-intestinal tract and the brain.
The symposium was opened by Professor Jim Murray MAE, Head of Cardiff University’s School of Biosciences. All speakers congratulated Professor Petersen on his birthday and acknowledged his very considerable scientific achievements, paying tribute to his skill in helping to support and nurture others in developing their scientific careers. The symposium also gave the opportunity for researchers now working with Professor Petersen in Cardiff to showcase their work.
Horizon 2020 energy event, 5th-6th May, Brussels
The Cardiff Hub had an active role in the Building Consortia for Energy 2018-2020 event organised at Wales House, Brussels, by Vision 2020 along with Cardiff University. Cardiff University is the leader of the Energy Helix, one of fifteen collaboration platforms hosted by Vision 2020

Forthcoming events#
Our next event will be held in September, focusing on science for policy in Wales. Details will be published on our website
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