
EU Research Ministers Sign a Declaration on Fundamental Values for International Cooperation in R&I#

The Academia Europaea fully supports the “Declaration on Fundamental Values for International Co-operation in Research and Innovation”, as signed by the Research Ministers of the EU recently. The objectives of the declaration are fully in line with the mission and original statutes of the Academia Europaea since its establishment in 1988 (see mission and governance).

About the declaration#

Earlier this week, EU Research Ministers signed the Marseille Declaration on fundamental values for International Cooperation in R&I.

The French Presidency of the Council presented the Declaration prior to the ministerial meeting during a dedicated Conference on International Cooperation for a Global Europe in the Field of Research, Higher Education and Innovation, setting out its proposals for a common understanding of the values and principles for international cooperation in research, innovation and higher education. These include: freedom of scientific research, ethics and integrity, gender equality, research excellence and Open Science, among others.

The Declaration reinforces the main elements of the EU's Global Approach to research and innovation, which underpins the international dimension of Horizon Europe, and calls for better synergies between EU R&I policies and those related to higher education: "The Presidency calls for the adoption of a more holistic approach, by strengthening synergies between international R&I cooperation policies on the one hand and higher education on the other…"

Furthermore, the Presidency calls for better coordination of activities related to international cooperation in R&I at the EU and Member State level and recommends that the EU engage in multilateral dialogue on principles and values of international cooperation with key international partners.

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