

On the occasion of its centenary celebrations (2019), the Board of the Union Académique Internationale (UAI) has established two biennial prizes intended to reward researchers at the start of their careers who work in the humanities and social sciences. The current call honors young researchers in the following fields: history of science, philosophy, history of art, or archeology. In 2023, two prizes, worth 6000 euros each, will be awarded to support research during the calendar years 2024-2025.

Applications are open to researchers who are holders of a PhD awarded no earlier than 1st January 2015.

The two awards are intended to be grants-in-aid to individual research scholars with a strong research record and an innovative research project with prospects of international collaboration.

Further details and application forms in both English and French can be found at the UAI website.

The deadline for applications is February 1st, 2023.#

Download the application form(info).

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