
Laure Saint-Raymond
©Sébastien Ruat/CNRS Photothèque

Laure Saint-Raymond awarded the 2020 Bôcher Memorial Prize#

The 2020 Bôcher Memorial Prize will be awarded to Laure Saint-Raymond for her transformative contributions to kinetic theory, fluid dynamics, and Hilbert's sixth problem on "developing mathematically the limiting processes...which lead from the atomistic view to the laws of motion of continua." Two of her papers that represent her remarkable achievements are "The Brownian motion as the limit of a deterministic system of hard-spheres," Invent. Math. 203 (2016), no. 2, in collaboration with T. Bodineau and I. Gallagher, and "Mathematical study of degenerate boundary layers: a large scale ocean circulation problem," Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 253 (2018), no. 1206, in collaboration with A.-L. Dalibard.

Response of Laure Saint-Raymond:#

I would like to begin by congratulating my colleagues Larry Guth and Camillo De Lellis, whose work is very inspiring to me, and with whom I am happy to share the Bôcher Memorial Prize. I am actually very impressed and honored to receive this distinction, but I would like to associate my collaborators to this recognition: I always have a lot of pleasure to work them, and without them I would never have had the courage to embark on a program of this size.

Biographical Sketch of Laure Saint-Raymond:#

Laure Saint-Raymond is currently professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, and Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France. She has been awarded many prizes, among which are the Prize of the European Mathematical Society in 2008, the Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize of the AMS in 2009, and the Fermat Prize in 2015. She is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, the Academia Europae, and the European Academy of Sciences.

About the Prize:#

The Bôcher Prize is awarded for a notable paper in analysis published during the preceding six years. The work must be published in a recognized, peer-reviewed venue. The prize, historically the first offered by the AMS, was founded in memory of Maxime Bôcher, who served as president of the AMS from 1909 to 1910.

The 2020 prize will be awarded Thursday, January 16 during the Joint Prize Session at the 2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Denver.

Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Saint-Raymond to this outstanding distinction! #

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