
Special issue on ‘University Governance and Creativity’ published#

The 2016 Hannover symposium volume on ‘University Governance and Creativity’ was now published in the Europeaen Review by Cambridge University Press. European Review, Volume 26 - Supplement S1 - February 2018. All articles are open access.

The conference on ‘University Governance: Impeding or Facilitating Creativity?’ took place at Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover, Germany. 29–30 September 2016 and was co-organized by the Volskwagen Stiftung and INCHER (Kassel) and Academia Europaea HERCulES [Higher Education, Research and Culture in European Societies] group.


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Introduction to the Special Issue on ‘University Governance and Creativity’
Georg Krücken, Lars Engwall, Erik De Corte

Welcome Remarks at the Conference on ‘University Governance: Impeding or Facilitating Creativity?’: Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover, Germany. 29–30 September 2016
Wilhelm Krull

Changing Notions of the Governance–Creativity Nexus
Ivar Bleiklie

Creativity, Risk and the Research Impact Agenda in the United Kingdom
Michael Power

Compliance and Creativity: Dilemmas for University Governance
Peter Scott

Excellence of Universities versus Autonomy, Funding and Accountability
Francisco Michavila, Jorge M. Martinez

Higher Education Institutions as Strategic Actors
Jean-Claude Thoenig, Catherine Paradeise

Governing Collective Action – The Impetus for University Commons
Jetta Frost, Fabian Hattke

Governing for Creativity
Gerhard Casper

Promoting Creativity at Work – Implications for Scientific Creativity
Sandra Ohly

Creativity and the Governance of Universities: Encounters of the Third Kind
Gili S. Drori

On the ‘Innovative University’. A few Challenging Reflections
Jan De Groof

Universities: From Local Institutions to Global Systems? Implications for Students, Staff and Institutions
Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen

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