9 DECEMBER 2020, 14.00-16.00 (CET)The Academia Europaea and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences cordially invite you to attend the launch event of the Academia Europaea Budapest Regional Knowledge Hub which will be held online via Zoom on 9 December 2020, from 14:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs (CET).
At our launch event we are proud to present the AE Budapest Regional Knowledge Hub as the newest addition to AE’s growing circle of hubs. After Barcelona

We very much look forward to welcoming you at the launch event. Although registration is not required, please reply to

Download the invitation

Join Zoom Meeting#
Meeting ID: 847 1339 3858
Passcode: 292601
Opening speeches (20 minutes)
- Welcome address by Professor Tamás Freund, MAE, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (5 minutes)
- Welcome address by Professor Sierd Cloetingh, MAE, President of Academia Europaea (5 minutes)
- Opening address by Professor László Lovász, MAE, Academic Director of the AE Budapest Regional Knowledge Hub and Former President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
(5 minutes)
Presentation of the 4 thematic missions of the AE Budapest Hub and scientific lectures#
- Thematic mission on widening European participation - by Professor Éva Kondorosi, MAE and Dr Gergely Toldi, MGYA (20 minutes) – Widening European Participation – The Early Career Researchers’ Perspective (Gergely Toldi) - A testimonial from a young ERC grantee
- How Do Dogs Age? (Dr Enikő Kubinyi, MYAE) - Q&A (5 minutes)
- Thematic mission on the Danube region – by Professor András Báldi, MAE and Dr Katalin Solymosi, MYAE (20 minutes) – The River Danube
– A Decisive Element for Shaping Europe (Katalin Solymosi); Values of Rural Landscapes of the Danube Region (András Báldi) - Q&A (5 minutes)
- Thematic mission on the methodology of science education – by Professor Csaba Pléh, MAE and Dr Eszter Gselmann (20 minutes) – Exponential Growth, Should We Understand, or Is It Enough to Know? (Eszter Gselmann) - Q&A (5 minutes)
- Thematic mission on urban sustainability – by Professor Gábor Stépán, MAE and Professor Péter Török, MYAE (20 minutes) - Sustaining Urban Biodiversity by Natural Habitat Restoration (Péter Török) - Q&A (5 minutes)
Closing remarks#
- Professor László Lovász, Academic Director of the AE Budapest Regional Knowledge Hub and Former President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (10 minutes)