
Marcel Swart

Message from the Chair of the Young Academy of Europe#

Dear Members of the AE and YAE,

It is a pleasure to bring your attention to the YAE website which was updated last year with news items, member profiles, and upcoming/past activities of the YAE.

One of the main events of 2017 will be the joint AE/ALLEA/YAE annual meeting in Budapest (September 3-6), where the YAE will present for the first time the YAE Prize, in 2017 to Prof. Rianne Letschert.

Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA)#

SAPEA (“Science Advice for Policy by European Academies”) works within the European Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) and is carried out by the five European academy networks (Academia Europaea, ALLEA, EASAC, Euro-CASE, and FEAM). The Commission highlighted that younger Academies must play an important role in the shaping of European science, and the YAE has been invited to participate directly by answering to calls and nominating expert members.

Recently, in collaboration with the Cardiff hub, the YAE prepared a webform to collect the expertise of all its members and alumni, which has already been useful for identifying experts for the SAPEA topic of “Food from the Oceans”.

“A member for a member” campaign#

We would like to ask all (Y)AE members to identify colleagues who you think would be suitable candidates and propose them for YAE membership!

This is a requisite for new members (starting in 2017), within the framework of “A member for a member” campaign. Because of the underrepresentation of some countries in the YAE, and the “Spreading excellence and widening participation” aims of the EU, we particularly encourage nominations for candidates from those countries. Note: there is no limitation to only one candidate, so if you know other excellent candidates with a keen interest for participation in YAE, please nominate them all!

The YAE is committed to grow its sphere of academics. At the Board Meeting in Paris, the YAE Board identified the need to foster interactions with National Academies to increase knowledge exchange across Europe. Please note that the YAE Board revised the application procedures for the members of trusted national young academies to acknowledge their achievement and involvement. Please keep this in mind when nominating potential new members, and also spread the word among your contacts!

Applications for prospective members can be submitted at any time, and are reviewed every three months, with application deadlines on the 31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st of December. Please find our admission guidelines online: http://yacadeuro.org/join-us.

YAE to become a Charity: Launch celebration in Budapest#

The YAE Board is preparing the registration of the YAE as a Charity organisation, including the corresponding bylaws, with the aim of having it finalized before the Budapest AGM meeting. Apart from formally approving the creation of the Charity, the Budapest meeting will therefore also serve as Launch Celebration for the Charity organisation.

Please save the date (September 3) and become part of history!

Marcel Swart

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