
Lise Øvreås Publications#


68 Publications (ISI database), H factor =35, Average citations per paper=125. One paper cited 1478 times, two papers cited more than 900 times and one papers cited 694 times. Total citations: 8247. 94 publications (Google Scholar), H-index 40, total citations 13749.


1. T Islam, M Hernández, A Gessesse, JC Murrell, L Øvreås, A Novel Moderately Thermophilic Facultative Methylotroph within the Class Alphaproteobacteria. Microorganisms 9 (3), 477, 2021

2. H Schweitzer, NJ Aalto, W Busch, DTC Chan, M Chiesa, EO Elvevoll, ..., L Øvreås Innovating carbon-capture biotechnologies through ecosystem-inspired solutions. One Earth 4 (1), 49-59, 2021

3. JE Storesund, A Lanzèn, EL Nordmann, HR Armo, OM Lage, L Øvreås. Planctomycetes as a Vital Constituent of the Microbial Communities Inhabiting Different Layers of the Meromictic Lake Sælenvannet (Norway) Microorganisms 8 (8), 1150, 2020.

4. T Islam, A Gessesse, A Garcia-Moyano, JC Murrell, L Øvreås. A novel moderately thermophilic type Ib methanotroph isolated from an alkaline thermal spring in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Microorganisms 8 (2), 250, 2020

5. S Wiegand, M Jogler, C Boedeker, D Pinto, J Vollmers, E Rivas-Marín, ...L Øvreås. Cultivation and functional characterization of 79 planctomycetes uncovers their unique biology. Nature microbiology 5 (1), 126-140, 2020

6. R Calisto, EF Sæbø, JE Storesund, L Øvreås, L Herfindal, OM Lage. Anticancer activity in planctomycetes. Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 499, 2019

7. O Müller, T Bang‐Andreasen, RA White III, B Elberling, N Taş, T Kneafsey, ... L Øvreås. Disentangling the complexity of permafrost soil by using high resolution profiling of microbial community composition, key functions and respiration rates. Environmental microbiology 20 (12), 4328-4342, 2018

8. S Våge, G Bratbak, J Egge, M Heldal, A Larsen, S Norland, ... L Øvreås. Simple models combining competition, defence and resource availability have broad implications in pelagic microbial food webs. Ecology letters 21 (9), 1440-1452, 2018

9. O Müller, B Wilson, ML Paulsen, A Rumińska, HR Armo, G Bratbak, ...L Øvreås. Spatiotemporal dynamics of ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota in distinct Arctic water masses. Frontiers in microbiology 9, 24, 2018

10. S Jensen, SAV Fortunato, F Hoffmann, S Hoem, HT Rapp, L Øvreås, ...The relative abundance and transcriptional activity of marine sponge-associated microorganisms emphasizing groups involved in sulfur cycle. Microbial ecology 73 (3), 668-676, 2017

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