Stefano Boccaletti - Selected Publications#
1) Complex networks: Structure and dynamics, Physics reports 424 (4), 175-308 (2006), cited by 6085
2) The synchronization of chaotic systems, Physics reports 366 (1), 1-101 (2004), cited by 2002
3) The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks, Physics Reports 544 (1), 1-122 (2014), cited by 342
4) Emergence of network features from multiplexity, Nature Scientific reports 3, (2013), cited by 118
5) Explosive synchronization in adaptive and multilayer networks, Physical review letters 114 (3), 038701 (2015), cited by 20
6) Landau damping effects in the synchronization of conformist and contrarian oscillators, Nature Scientific reports 5 (2015)
7) Emergence of disassortative mixing from pruning nodes in growing scale-free networks, Nature Scientific reports 4, (2014)
8) Topological measure locating the effective crossover between segregation and integration in a modular network, Physical Review Letters 108 (22), 228701(2012)
9) Graphical notation reveals topological stability criteria for collective dynamics in complex networks, Physical Review Letters 108 (19), 194102 (2012)
10) Explosive first-order transition to synchrony in networked chaotic oscillators, Physical Review Letters 108 (16), 168702 (2012)
Evidence of scientific impact (data collected from Google Scholar profile

- Total numbers of publications: 312
- Total number of citations: 14,843 (7,731 within the past 5 years)
- H-index: 43
- i10-index: 127