Karina Lovell#
Membership Number: | 5458 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2020 |
Main Country of Residence: | UNITED KINGDOM |
Homepage(s): | https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/karina.lovell.html |
ORCID: | 0000-0001-8821-895X |
Present and Previous Positions
- 2005 to present Professor of Mental Health, Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Director of Research (School of Health Sciences), University of Manchester
- 2002 - 2005 Senior Lecturer in Nursing, Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester
- 1998 – 2002 Lecturer in Nursing, Division of Nursing Midwifery and Health Visiting, University of Manchester
- 1996 – 1997 Practice Development Nurse/CBT, the Bethlem and Maudsley NHS Trust, London
- 1992 – 1996 Research Nurse/Honorary Lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry, London
- 1991 – 1992 Student Tutor, Institute of Advanced Nursing Education, RCN, London
- 1988 – 1991 Tutor to ENB650 (Adult Behavioural Psychotherapy) and clinical manager of the Psychological Treatment Unit, The Maudsley Hospital, London
- 1986 – 1988 Clinical Nurse Specialist (Behavioural Psychotherapy), The Maudsley Hospital, London
- 1986 – 1986 Nurse Behaviour Therapist, St George’s Hospital, London
Fields of Scholarship
- Low intensity psychological interventions for common mental health conditions (Depression and anxiety) in Primary Mental Health Services
- Remote delivery of interventions (telephone, computerised therapies) with Chronic Widespread Pain
- Involvement of service users and families in care planning in secondary care mental health services
- Randomised controlled trials
- Public and patient involvement
Honours and Awards
- 2012 Eileen Skellen Lecture
- 2012 NIHR Senior Investigator (3 year term)
- 2016 NIHR Senior Investigator (5 year term)
- 2014 Mental Health Research Network (MHRN) prize for outstanding carer involvement
- 2015 CRN award for public engagement
- 2017 NIHR Let’s Get Digital video
- 2018 McPin/NIHR Service User and Care Involvement Research Award.